DEV Community

Fabio Giolito
Fabio Giolito

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What to do with your parked domains?

You know when you have an idea for a side-project, and you think "This time I'm actually going to do it" so you buy the domain, then a month goes by... I know you do, we've all been there.

What do you do with those domains? I used to just redirected them to my personal website, but that has also been neglected for quite a while it's embarrassing.

So I started looking into that. Here's what I wanted:

  • A very simple "Coming soon" page customized for each domain.
  • Proper meta tags and SEO means server-side rendering.
  • One server, one project, one deploy, for all domains.

Browser screenshots of different parked domains pages

The solution

I've been meaning to try to host projects, so I started a new project using their Next.js template. After a couple of clicks, it was added to my Github account and I cloned it on my computer.

In your Vercel project settings, you can add multiple domains. Perfect! I added them there and pointed them to Vercel's nameservers. My template project was now running on every domain.

I heard great things about Netlify too, so check them both out if you're looking to do something similar for your domains.

The code

So now I needed to change the page that gets displayed. And most importantly, I needed to get the current domain name from the server request to show on the page.

// index.js
import Head from 'next/head'

// Pass host as prop
export async function getServerSideProps(context) {
  return { props: { host: } }

export default function Home({host}) {
  return (

      <p>Coming soon</p>
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And I added some SEO tags, and Google analytics to <Head> as well.

  <meta name="description" content="Coming soon" />
  <link href="/favicon.png" rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon"/>
  <link href="/touchicon.png" rel="apple-touch-icon"/>
  <meta content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" name="viewport"/>
  <meta content={host} property="og:title"/>
  <meta content={host} property="twitter:title"/>
  <meta content="Coming soon" property="og:description"/>
  <meta content="Coming soon" property="twitter:description"/>

  <script async src="[your-code]"/>
      __html: `
        window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
        function gtag(){ dataLayer.push(arguments); }
        gtag('js', new Date());
        gtag('config', 'UA-[your-code]', {
          'anonymize_ip': false
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With some CSS It was looking and working great. But I noticed Next.js was adding some javascript to the page, even though I didn't need any updates on the client-side.

I found this option which seems to disable the client-side javascript:

// index.js
export const config = { unstable_runtimeJS: false }
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So now I have one project serving customized pages to each domain. With just a push to Github it's deployed to all domains.

Whenever I register a new domain I can just add them to the Vercel project and they're live, no need to touch the code.

Do you have a different solution? Let me know in the comments!

Top comments (2)

kommod profile image

That's an interesting approach. Gave me the idea to maybe use that for Indiebrands

fabiogiolito profile image
Fabio Giolito

Awesome :) share more!