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Fahimul Kabir Chowdhury
Fahimul Kabir Chowdhury

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Build 7 Pages Complete Responsive Educational Website Using HTML CSS & JavaScript

Full responsive multipage educational website LMS website with HTML CSS & JavaScript.
This website will have 7 different pages. Like, Home page, About page, Blog page, Post Page, Course Page, Course Details Page, Contact Page, etc. We will be creating a completely responsive website design for online course website/LMS website. Full Professional looking and creative design website tutorial for beginners.

We will be creating this website part by part. It will be easier for you to get all the details I'm going to add to this website. Excited?? Meh too.

Part 1: Create Home Page Using HTM CSS & JavaScript. Including 5+ different sections. After creating the home page, we will make this page responsive for mobile devices too.

Build Responsive Online Course Websites With HTML CSS JavaScript.

Part 2: Let's create the About us page too. We will add some descriptions about our website or institution. Then we will make this page responsive also.

Responsive Website Design Using HTML CSS & JavaScript | Educational Website | Part2.

Part 3: After creating the about us page. We will create a Blog page. On this page, we will add a few blog posts. Only the blog images, heading, some details, and a read more button. Then we will add a categories section too. So that, user can navigate through them.

After creating the blog page we will create the posting page also. Remember we added a read more button on the blog page? Now we will use that button so that the user can click and view/read the full post. No, I'm not forgetting to make those pages responsive too.

Responsive Blog Portal Website Design With HTML CSS 📚

Part 4: In this part, we will create our course page. On this page, we will add 10-12 courses, including course thumbnail, the course title, reviews, and pricing. Then what? After creating the courses page, now we have to make a page for complete course details. And of course, we will make these pages fully responsive.

How To Make Responsive Educational Website Design Using HTML And CSS Step By Step | Part 4.

Part 5: After creating all the web pages using HTML CSS and JS. It's mandatory to create a contact page. So that, anyone can contact with you. On our contact page, we will add a form including a name field, email field, etc. Then we will learn how to embed a live google map in your HTML website.

How To Make Responsive Education Website Using HTML CSS & JavaScript 🏫| Harvard University.

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