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Faith Karuga
Faith Karuga

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  1. Introduction to technology in arts and music
    1. The impacts of technology on music Positive Negative
    2. The Impacts of Technology on Arts Positive Negative
    3. Conclusion.

Music and arts are both used since ancient times up to date as a way of entertainment and as a way of also giving out ideas and information.
On the digital world Technology has really captured music and arts. If we speak about music there is online platforms that now give out classes if one is interested in pursuing music as a careers.
Arts now is getting even much wider since now children are even engaging in such, The CBC as a good example it nurtures the kids who have a talent in either arts and music.


  • Global Reach: Nowadays, musicians don’t only rely on conventional record labels to release their work. Independent artists are able to disseminate and market their work worldwide through digital media, examples(social media platforms):youtube, TikTok, Tubidy ,Spotify and Boomplay.

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- Accessibility : Introduction of mobile data and availability of internet has made it easier to access to access any music of your choice from the comfort of your mobile phone and at a lower cost.
- Real-time Analytics : Musicians have access to data and analytics about the performance of their work in real-time. They may make data-driven decisions, improve their marketing strategy, and gain a deeper understanding of their audience with the use of this information, examples through Youtube , views, comments and subscribers.

-Production:Music production is a difficult task to do until the rise of technology. Now the invention of software such as Ableton and Avid Pro Tools have made it easier to produce better quality
- Audio editing with technology: Artificial intelligence (AI) is enabling software tools to help producers and artists with chores like mixing, mastering, and auto-tuning. These instruments can improve audio quality and expedite the creative process.

- Distribution: Introduction of software such as Amuse, Soundrop and Routenote have made it easier for artists to distribute their music to fans.

- Money Streams and Monetization : Digital platforms provide musicians with a number of money sources, such as product(Music) sales, digital downloads .Artists are able to support their professions more successfully through this approach.


- Technology takeover: Over-reliance on digital tools in music creation can make music sound artificial and downplay the importance of actual musical skill.
- Unrealness in flaw of music: Editing software can create an unrealistic expectation of flawless, polished music. This pressure can take away the raw energy and imperfections that make music interesting.
- Live show confusions: Technical problems with sound systems or digital tools can disrupt live shows and kill the vibe.

The Impacts of Technology on Arts
Positive :

- Partnership: Technology facilitates collective effort across distances. Artists can work together in real-time through digital platforms, combining different forms of art. This has led to rise of collaborative projects and collective art.
- Accessibility: Technology broadens access to art by making tools and resources more accessible. Online tutorials, software, and digital platforms lower the barriers to entry for aspiring artists, fostering a more inclusive artistic community.

- Preservation: Digital reproduction technologies help preserve works of art and make them accessible to wider audiences. High-resolution imaging and 3D scanning can create digital copies of physical creations, ensuring their long-lastingness and facilitating research.
- Creation:Advancement in technology has completely changed the way in which artists make their work. Artists can now use digital creating tools to perform their work such as creating, editing etc.

- Distribution
Artists can now display their work online using social media platforms or websites and clients or customers can locate and trace them across the world.

- Overreliance on technology: Too much dependency on technology makes artists vulnerable to technical failures that lead to data loss , cyber threats and malware. This leads the artists to constantly update their data and skills to enhance relevance over time.

- Illegitimacy- In this case the artists’ content slowly loses its originality in terms of the artist’s voice and personal expression thus reducing the authenticity of the artwork.

  • Copyright and piracy issues -

    Piracy is the unauthorized sharing of someone’s work without their consent.
    It is hard for artists to make their work private and safe due to piracy.
    This makes them loose money hence bringing more harm to them than benefits. Artists displaying their work all over the socials makes their work be accessible to plagiarism. Artists find a hard time to protect their property rights.

- Non-physical interactions

In the digital online forum some artworks such as drawing might seem virtual or downloaded instead of being drawn or designed.
Some works like paintings are cool and real when seen eye on eye.
Technology has digitalized art to a point that it feels not real.
The art before technology was improved art and was meaningful in that it could be touched and so.
Also the relationship between people was grown unlike now.

- Cultural shift - Technology has changed the culture for example instead of people going to concerts in person or to visit museums they prefer viewing all these online in social media platforms thus affecting the museums or the places that display art work.

In conclusion, technology has really brought a big impact on music and art.
Musicians are nowadays using improved tools to record their music making their music appealing to a large audience.
Whereas, in art, technology has changed a lot.
Artists make their work online and are able to share to people across the world.
People from different locations are able to stream in apps like showmax and watch their interested artists perform.

Technology provides a good platform for people to be creative and substantive.
As far as it is concerned, technology should be used carefully so as to be productive.

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