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Felipe Rocha
Felipe Rocha

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Mastering Version Management in Node.js

As developers, we frequently encounter projects that demand different Node.js versions. This scenario is a pitfall for both fresh and experienced developers who may not be regularly involved in Node.js projects: ensuring the correct Node.js version is used for each project.

Before installing dependencies and running a project, it's crucial to verify that your Node.js version matches or is at least compatible with the project's requirements. Failure to do so can result in a barrage of errors and warnings in your terminal, consuming valuable time in troubleshooting. Fortunately, there's a solution: version managers.

What is a Version Manager?

A version manager is a software tool that allows you to effortlessly install, switch between, and remove different versions of programming languages. Here are some popular examples for various languages:

Node.js: nvm
Ruby: rbenv, rvm, chruby
Java: jabba
PHP: phpenv, phpbrew
Python: pyenv
Multi-language: asdf (command-line tool)

The Node Version Manager

nvm, specifically designed for Node.js, allows you to seamlessly install and switch between different Node.js versions directly from your command line. It's a per-user installation and works with various POSIX-compliant shells (sh, dash, ksh, zsh, bash) on Unix-based systems, macOS, and Windows WSL.¹

Let's explore some use cases from the official nvm repository:

node -v

$ nvm use 14
Now using node v14.18.0 (npm v6.14.15)

$ node -v

$ nvm install 12
Now using node v12.22.6 (npm v6.14.5)

$ node -v
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

In this example, we see how to:

Check the current Node.js version (node -v).
Switch to Node.js version 14 (nvm use 14).
Verify the switched version (node -v).
Install Node.js version 12 (nvm install 12).
Confirm the newly installed version (node -v).

In the next article, I'll provide a straightforward guide on how to install nvm and effectively define specific Node.js versions using .nvmrc files.


Utilizing a version manager for your projects is a critical time-saving strategy that ensures smooth development workflows. It's an essential tool for any developer's toolbox.

What's your preferred solution for handling these situations? Share your thoughts in the comments below!



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