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Fevzi Ömür Tekin
Fevzi Ömür Tekin

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Using Sqlite in Go Programming.

alt text

SQLite is an open source code that is a relational sql search engine. The most important advantage of a host is that the server does not need a local server.

In this example I'll make a simple example running on sqlite with go.

Used Libraries

import (
  _ ""
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Model Structure

type User struct {
  id         int
  username   string
  surname    string
  age        int
  university string
  //I created a struct with a struct to select the rows in the table and add data.
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I am using a user model consisting of "id", "username", "surname", "age" and "university".

CRUD Methods

I have done CRUD operations using Sqlite database with Go programming language.

func addUser(db *sql.DB, username string, surname string, age int, university string) {
  tx, _ := db.Begin()
  stmt, _ := tx.Prepare("insert into testTable (username,surname,age,university) values (?,?,?,?)")
  _, err := stmt.Exec(username, surname, age, university)
func getUsers(db *sql.DB, id2 int) User {
  rows, err := db.Query("select * from testTable")
  for rows.Next() {
    var tempUser User
    err =
      rows.Scan(&, &tempUser.username, &tempUser.surname, &tempUser.age, &
    if == id2 {
      return tempUser
  return User{}
func updateUser(db *sql.DB, id2 int, username string, surname string, age int, university string) {
  sage := strconv.Itoa(age) // int to string
  sid := strconv.Itoa(id2)  // int to string
  tx, _ := db.Begin()
  stmt, _ := tx.Prepare("update testTable set username=?,surname=?,age=?,university=? where id=?")
  _, err := stmt.Exec(username, surname, sage, university, sid)
func deleteUser(db *sql.DB, id2 int) {
  sid := strconv.Itoa(id2) // int to string
  tx, _ := db.Begin()
  stmt, _ := tx.Prepare("delete from testTable where id=?")
  _, err := stmt.Exec(sid)
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Main Function

db, _ := sql.Open("sqlite3", "database/godb.db")
  db.Exec("create table if not exists testTable (id integer,username text, surname text,age Integer,university text)")
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I'm writing code that allows you to connect to the database and run. Then I use the methods that let me perform the CRUD operations above.

func main() {
  db, _ := sql.Open("sqlite3", "database/godb.db")
  db.Exec("create table if not exists testTable (id integer,username text, surname text,age Integer,university text)")
  addUser(db, "fevzi omur ", "tekin", 24, "Sakarya University") // added data to database
  updateUser(db, 2, "Ken", "Thompson", 75, "California university") //update data to database
  deleteUser(db, 1) // delete data to database
  fmt.Println(getUsers(db, 2)) // printing the user
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Note : The codes of the project can be found at this address.

Top comments (2)

rajaseelan profile image
Rajaseelan Ganeswaran

This article is a good reference. Thank you!

bashery profile image
