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Static Methods

Understanding Static Methods in TypeScript

When building applications, especially in object-oriented programming, you often hear about static methods. These methods are used differently compared to instance methods, and knowing when and how to use them can be incredibly useful in organizing your code.

What is a Static Method?

A static method is a function associated with a class rather than instances of the class. In TypeScript, static methods belong to the class itself and can be called without creating an object instance. This means that static methods are called on the class itself, rather than on objects created from the class.

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When is it Ideal to Use a Static Method?

Static methods are perfect for situations where:

  • The function performs a task that doesn't require access to instance properties or methods.
  • You need utility functions (e.g., math calculations, helper functions) that don't depend on the object's state.
  • To enforce that certain operations are global to the class rather than tied to specific instances.

Practical Use Cases for Static Methods

  • Utility Methods

Static methods are frequently used to create utility functions. For example, functions that calculate something based on input values without needing any data from class instances.

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  • Factory Methods

Static methods can also be used for object creation patterns like factory methods. A factory method returns a new instance of a class from a static method without directly using the new keyword.

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  • Global Counters or States

You can use static methods to handle counters or maintain global states within the class.

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Static Methods vs. Instance Methods

The major difference between static methods and instance methods lies in how they are invoked and what they operate on.

  • Static Methods are tied to the class itself, not to an instance of the class. They cannot access or modify instance properties directly.
  • Instance Methods, on the other hand, require you to create an instance of the class. These methods can access and modify the object's properties.

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In this example, greet() is an instance method, while info() is a static method. The instance method relies on the name property of the created object, while the static method can be called directly from the class.


Static methods offer a powerful way to create utility functions, maintain global states, and streamline certain operations that don't rely on an instance's data. They're perfect for actions related to the class itself rather than any particular object of the class. By understanding when to use static methods, you can write cleaner, more organized, and more efficient TypeScript code.

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