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Best Programming languages in 2021

Kiran Sethumadhavan on January 14, 2021

1 Javascript JavaScript is a lightweight, interpreted programming language. It is designed for creating network-centric applications. It is compl...
leob profile image
leob • Edited

You could add Rust to the list (as a Go alternative), or Flutter (as a Swift alternative) ... personally I'd choose Flutter over Swift anytime, since it's cross platform - Swift locks you into iOS. And don't disregard PHP, it's still a very popular language, with frameworks like Laravel making it a joy to program in.

By the way, the title of this post is "Best programming languages" - however I think "Most popular programming languages" would be more accurate, "best" is a claim that's pretty broad and hard to justify.

But, I understand the point you're trying to make :-)

darkwiiplayer profile image
𒎏Wii 🏳️‍⚧️

Since you're already adding more languages to the list, I'll jump on and say that, while I haven't used that myself, Zig seems to be gaining traction and might become a big thing in the near future.

leob profile image

Wow, never heard of it, looks more low level than Rust ...

"A big thing in the near future" sounds somewhat optimistic to me, when I see how little is actually changing over the years in the top 10 list "most popular languages", but that could be my lack of knowledge, maybe Zig is making it big time in a niche area (systems programming?) that I'm unaware of. So that's probably just my ignorance :-)

What I'd personally like to see is for FP (functional programming) to finally break into the mainstream, but year after year we're not seeing it happen, I fear it's going to remain "niche" forever.

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johnkazer profile image
John Kazer


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leob profile image

Right, and Clojure ... :-)

But if you say ClojureScript then I'd also mention ReasonML - both are FP oriented languages targeting the frontend (client) ... a few years ago ReasonML looked to be the "next big thing" but it sort of seems to have fizzled out, I'm not hearing much about it anymore (but maybe that doesn't say much).

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johnkazer profile image
John Kazer • Edited

That was pretty much my view of ReasonML as well - I saw lots of writing about it around 2018 then not much...

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leob profile image
leob • Edited

Read this:

My conclusion is that ReasonML is going nowhere, and that it's not a good or worthwhile investment to learn - even just for hobby purposes (let alone for professional purposes or for the job market, there isn't any).

No, that looks disappointing, if you want to try out something "new" and different from JS for frontend scripting then probably something like Elm or ClojureScript would be a better choice (or Rust with WebAssembly ;-)

jonyk56 profile image

zig is freaking heaven in a nutshell

loolazoola profile image

Flutter is not a programming language

leob profile image

Yeah I know lol the programming language is Dart :-)

shane profile image
Shane McGowan

Not yet anyway....

kiransethu46 profile image
Kiran Sethumadhavan

Yes you are right leob

darkwiiplayer profile image
𒎏Wii 🏳️‍⚧️

Most of these articles only give very superficial details on the language and mostly rely on "They're being used, so they're worth using". Not to devalue this kind of article, but I'd really be more interested in reading about what, in detail, makes these languages worth using.

leob profile image

The point about this post, in my opinion, is that these are not really the "best" programming languages (how would you even define "best"?), but rather the most popular ones (which is easier to quantify) ...

Anyway the good thing about this post is that it got some discussions started :-)

kiransethu46 profile image
Kiran Sethumadhavan

Next time ,We will make sure to make more informative and interesting Articles .

mvasilkov profile image
Mark Vasilkov

Ruby is a unique choice in 2021.

leob profile image

Well, of course Rails is still a leading web dev framework ... if it weren't for Rails then frankly Ruby would be nowhere.

devdufutur profile image
Rudy Nappée

Rust rust rust ! Most loved language for the fifth year...

rishitkhandelwal profile image
Rishit Khandelwal


eminarium profile image
Merdan Durdyyev

Yeah, great list, thank you.
I am in love with Ruby and Rails as well. I am sad that it is going lower each year, but happy that it is still in the list :-)
But I do admit that Javascript and Python are just flying upward.

leob profile image
leob • Edited

Javascript is of course on its unstoppable trajectory to become "the one to rule them all", frontend and backend ... Python, not so much - it wouldn't get half the credits and attention if it weren't used in data science, in web dev I certainly don't see it as being any more "hot" or dominant than Ruby/Rails or PHP.

bias profile image
Tobias Nickel

did you have a change since the last year?

rishitkhandelwal profile image
Rishit Khandelwal

Rust is amazing. (At least from my pov),

You get amazing feedback from the compiler, and get amazing intellisense atleast in VSCode, not sure about other IDEs.

codebyjustin profile image

JS <3

kinnalru profile image
Samoilenko Yuri

Ruby +1
But in current microservices hype your micro services becomes MACRO services with ruby ;)

jzucca profile image
John Zuccarelli

Clojure is amazing.

justinnn07 profile image
Justin Varghese

🔥 on fire boi🔥

hb profile image
Henry Boisdequin


jscoder17 profile image

forgot react and C++

rishitkhandelwal profile image
Rishit Khandelwal

React is not a language.

leob profile image

Yes you're right, it's a framework, Dart is the language :-)