The ChatGPT public phenomenon has given us a glimpse of what is to come.
Making dark predictions is easy. Too many people do that -- on almost any topic.
Predicting how a disruptive technology can lead to a better future for the general population is not as easy.
Question: What steps would need to fall in place for mankind, all ages and skill levels, to have a better working and living future 20 years from now instead of a darker one as AI technologies take over more functions that today are owned by living-breathing-creative human beings?
Top comments (1)
Might sound vague, but my take on it is that we should think more consciously about what we REALLY need as mankind - explicitly define our priorities.
What we need more of - respect (for others, for nature, etcetera), empathy, tolerance; what we need less of - greed, selfishness.
Less shallow and hollow consumerism, more personal development - let's use our resources wisely and equitably. EVERYONE needs al least their basic needs fulfilled (see Maslow's pyramid), then we think about what comes next.