Oh Oh Oh Merry Christmas to all!
This past few days I followed and practiced for 24 days with this beautiful series of challenges.
I'm talking about the 24 Days of Jascriptmas on Scrimba!
If you want to know more and try it yourself to see how well prepared you are on Javascript I'm suggesting you to take a chance on that and don't go further on this article just yet, so you don't spoil yourself the solutions ;)
In order to get the certificate to complete my journey, I have to create this post with my solutions, and if you want you can use it to compare them with the ones that you came up with.
Here we go!
Day 1: Candies
function candies(children, candy) {
// write code here.
return result = Math.floor(candy/children) * children
Day 2: Deposit Profit
function depositProfit(deposit, rate, threshold) {
// write code here.
let years = 0
while (deposit < threshold){
deposit += (deposit*20)/100
return years
Day 3: Chunky Monkey
function chunkyMonkey(values, size) {
// write code here.
let result = []
result.push(values.slice(0, size), values.slice(size, values.length+1))
return result
Day 4: Century From Year
function centuryFromYear(num) {
// write code here.
const r = num % 100, century = num / 100
return (r === 0) ? century : Math.floor(century) + 1
Day 5: Reverse A String
function reverseAString(str) {
// write code here.
return str.split('').reverse().join('')
Day 6: Sort by Length
function sortByLength(strs) {
// write code here.
return strs = strs.sort((a, b)=> a.length - b.length)
Day 7: Count Vowel Consonant
function countVowelConsonant(str) {
// write code here
let vowels = ['a','e','i','o','u','y']
return str.split('').reduce((acc,cur)=> vowels.includes(cur) ? acc + 1 : acc + 2, 0)
Day 8: The Rolling Dice
// Write your code here 👇
const dice = document.querySelector('.dice')
const num = document.querySelector('.num p')
let numDice = Math.floor(Math.random() * (7 - 1)) + 1
num.textContent = numDice
dice.textContent = ''
for(let i=1; i<=numDice;i++){
let dot = document.createElement('div')
dot.classList = 'dot'
body {
background-color: #AEB8FE;
height: 100vh;
display: grid;
.dice {
width: 90px;
height: 90px;
border-radius: 10px;
background-color: #EFE5DC;
cursor: pointer;
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: repeat( auto-fill, minmax(30px, 2fr) );
grid-gap: 8px;
padding: 5px;
.dot {
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
max-width: 20px;
max-height: 20px;
border-radius: 15px;
background-color: black;
place-content: center;
margin: 0 auto;
text-align: center;
font-size: 2em;
font-weight: bold;
font-family: 'Lato', sans-serif;
margin: 10px;
Day 9: Sum Odd Fibonacci numbers
function sumOddFibonacciNumbers(num) {
// write code here.
if(num <= 0){
console.error('Invalid input!')
return NaN;
let answer = 2
let a = 1, b = 1, c = 0
while(a+b <= num){
c = a+b
a = b
b = c
answer += c
return answer
Day 10: Adjacent Elements Product
function adjacentElementsProduct(nums) {
// write code here.
let pro = 0, max = 0
for (let i=0; i<nums.length; i++){
pro = nums[i]*nums[i+1]
if(pro>max) max=pro
return max
Day 11: Avoid Obstacles
function avoidObstacles(nums) {
// write code here.
let numSorted = nums.sort((a, b) => a - b)
for (let i=1; i<numSorted[numSorted.length-1]; i++) {
if(numSorted.every((n) => n % i !== 0)) {
return i;
Day 12: Valid Time
function validTime(str) {
// write code here.
let hm = str.split(':')
return ((parseInt(hm[0])>=0&&parseInt(hm[0])<=24) && (parseInt(hm[1])>=0&&parseInt(hm[1])<=60)) ? true : false
Day 13: Extract Each Kth
function extractEachKth(nums, index) {
// write code here.
return nums.filter(num=>num%index!=0)
Day 14: Maximal Adjacent Difference
function arrayMaximalAdjacentDifference(nums) {
// write code here.
let dif = 0, max = 0
for (let i=0; i<nums.length; i++){
dif = Math.abs(nums[i]-nums[i+1])
if(dif>max) max=dif
return max
Day 15: Carousel
const gallery = document.querySelector('.gallery')
const prev = document.querySelector('.previous')
const next = document.querySelector('.next')
let photos = document.querySelectorAll('.card')
let position = 0, current, i = 0
next.addEventListener('click', ()=>{
gallery.style.transform = 'translateX(' + (position-=220) + 'px)'
next.style.opacity = 0.3
prev.style.opacity = 1
gallery.style.transform = 'translateX(' + (position+=220) + 'px)'
prev.style.opacity = 0.3
next.style.opacity = 1
Day 16: Insert Dashes
function insertDashes(arr) {
// write code here
let newArr = arr.split(' ')
return newArr[0].split('').join('-')+' '+newArr[1].split('').join('-')
Day 17: Different Symbols Naive
function differentSymbolsNaive(str) {
// write code here.
let s = new Set(str.split(''))
return s.size
Day 18: Array Previous Less
function arrayPreviousLess(nums) {
// write code here.
let result = []
for(let i = 0; i < nums.length; i++){
if(nums[i] > nums[i-1]){
return result
Day 19: Alphabet Subsequence
function alphabetSubsequence(str) {
// write code here.
for(let i=1; i<=str.length; i++){
if (str.charCodeAt(i) >= str.charCodeAt(i+1) && str[i]!=str[i-1]) return false
else return true
Day 20: Domain Type
function domainType(domains) {
// write code here.
let result = domains.map(domain=>{
domainSingle = domain.split('.')
if (domainSingle[(domainSingle.length-1)] === "org") return 'organization'
else if (domainSingle[(domainSingle.length-1)] === "net") return 'network'
else if (domainSingle[(domainSingle.length-1)] === "info") return 'information'
else if (domainSingle[(domainSingle.length-1)] === "com") return 'commercial'
return result
Day 21: Sum Of Two
function sumOfTwo(nums1, nums2, value) {
// write code here.
let result = false
for(let i = 0; i<nums1.length; i++){
for(let j=0; j<nums2.length; j++){
result = true
return result
Day 22: Extract Matrix Column
function extractMatrixColumn(matrix, column) {
// write code here.
let result = []
matrix.map(mat => result.push(mat[column]))
return result
Day 23: Social Media Input
let counter = document.querySelector('#counterFooter')
let tweet = document.querySelector('#string')
let btn = document.querySelector('#btn')
tweet.addEventListener('keydown', (e)=>{
let chr = 140 - tweet.value.length
counter.textContent = chr + '/140'
if(chr > 20)counter.classList.remove('ending')
if(chr <= 20) counter.classList.add('ending')
if(chr<=0) {
if(e.key != 'Backspace'){
color: red !important;
font-weight: bold;
Day 24: Test Your Agility
const spin = async () => {
for (var i=0;i<101;i++) {
if(pushed == true){
stop(i); //Trigger this function when the STOP button has been pushed
spinningElem.innerHTML = i;
await sleep(75) //Paste this
function stop(i){
var result = document.getElementById('result'); //display your result message here
if(i===targetInt) result.textContent = 'Y E S! You did it'
else if(i < targetInt) result.textContent =`Oh no! You missed it by ${targetInt-i}`
else result.textContent =`Oh no! You missed it by ${i-targetInt}`
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