🔸▶️ Deno, a Secure Runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript - by Ryan Dahl, creator of Node.js and Deno;
🔸▶️ Deno in Production, by Brian Leroux - the author shares his production experience with Deno;
🔸 vno: a vue / deno love story - the first native build tool for compiling and bundling Vue single-file components;
🔸▶️ How to Deploy Your Deno Applications to Heroku - a tutorial about how to deploy a Deno app to Heroku;
🔸▶️ Develop a Discord bot | Let's Code;
🔸 Deno in 2020 - Deno's review of the year;
🔸 Deno 1.7 Release Notes - new features and changes;
🔸▶️ Deno: Develop REST API + mongoDB + Linux | Let's Code;
🔸 Introduction to Aleph - The React Framework in Deno - Aleph allows you to build React app that uses server-side rendering;
🔸 Using Data URLs to Load Dependencies in Deno - a way to dynamically create and load modules;
🔸 Deno Now Compiles to Self-Contained, Standalone Binaries - an example of bundling and compiling Deno applications;
💬 Your feedback, suggestions, and links for the next digest are always welcome.
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