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Cover image for PROMEΘEUS - Pyro Detection Global Team
George Delaportas (ViR4X)
George Delaportas (ViR4X)

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PROMEΘEUS - Pyro Detection Global Team

Due to recent wild fire outbursts, I believe it's about time we all (engineers/developers) join forces to create a global team for detecting smoke/fire as early as possible.

I already have an ecosystems (platform & framework) which comprises of my own tools, services and 3rd party utilities and solutions.

I am thinking of turning this whole infrastructure into an open-source solution. My hope is that we will all participate and create a mega-project where all good code, processes and practices will be incorporated inside a common environment.

In fact, this is the main goal of the ecosystem that I have now. I developed a Common Operations Platform (COP) for fire prevention, security and beyond.

But, being an open-source engineer at heart and a believer in the community power, I want to take it to the next level!

I have even found a cool name: PROMEΘEUS.
Since PROMETHEUS was the ancient Greek god & titan that gave people the knowledge and power of fire (and since I am Greek), I thought it would be cool :-)

The core platform is already open-source. It is the Meta-OS, GreyOS (See more at

The requirements are mainly just: JS, PHP, Python and HTML5. But in the back-end various technologies and programming languages can be combined such as Java, Kotlin, C/C++, Rust, etc.

I welcome you to invest some of your time and check a few videos and media links showcasing what the current system does and how it also integrates devices like drones, cameras, IoT and satellite systems to achieve its goal.


What do you all think about the initiative?

George Delaportas

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