DEV Community

Gabriel Toma
Gabriel Toma

Posted on • Originally published at

Absent Leaders

Some leaders think being "irreplaceable" is a good thing. They brag that when they're gone, the team doesn't know what to do, things fall apart without them around, and progress stops. It makes them feel important. It feeds their ego.

But here's the fact: a team that falls apart when the leader leaves is actually a failure in leadership.

A well-led team knows how to keep things moving, even when the leader's not around. The team speaks with the same voice. Every team member should know how to handle the day-to-day, communicate with stakeholders, deal with challenges, and keep things on track. That's a sign the leader has done their job - empowered the team, built trust, and set a clear direction.

When the leader steps away and nothing changes, that's autonomy. If everything stops without the leader's presence, it's a sign of insecurity, not strength.

Communicate clearly. Teach. Build a culture and set a rhythm.
Then watch as your team thrives - whether you're in the room or not.

If this resonates with you, discover more on my blog!

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