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Galina Melnik
Galina Melnik

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I want to create home pet project with Mars wheather. Thanks God NASA have a public API with data.
Test URL
And there is their json for today :
"782": {
"First_UTC": "2021-02-06T17:08:11Z",
"Last_UTC": "2021-02-07T17:47:46Z",
"Month_ordinal": 12,
"Northern_season": "late winter",
"PRE": {
"av": 721.77,
"ct": 113450,
"mn": 698.8193,
"mx": 742.2686
"Season": "winter",
"Southern_season": "late summer",
"WD": {
"most_common": null
"783": {
"First_UTC": "2021-02-07T17:47:46Z",
"Last_UTC": "2021-02-08T18:27:22Z",
"Month_ordinal": 12,
"Northern_season": "late winter",
"PRE": {
"av": 722.186,
"ct": 107270,
"mn": 698.7664,
"mx": 743.1983
"Season": "winter",
"Southern_season": "late summer",
"WD": {
"most_common": null
}, ... irrelevant
"sol_keys": [... irrelevant],
"validity_checks": { ...irrelevant }

I've created a project using netcoreapp3.0 and wanted to use System.Text.Json library. My first wrong way to do it was :

var dict = await JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync<Dictionary<string, MarsWheather>>(stream);
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But I caught an exception

System.Text.Json.JsonException: The JSON value could not be converted to MarsWheather. Path: $.sol_keys | LineNumber: 120 | BytePositionInLine: 15.

That's why I've created custom JsonConverter. I hope this code will helpful for community.
UPDATE 03/03/2021 : There was a bug with my code. This is a new version without it.
Data classes is :

    public class MarsWheatherRootObject
        public List<MarsWheather> MarsWheather { get; set}
    public class MarsWheather {
        public int Sol { get; set; }
        public DateTime FirstUTC { get; set; }
        public DateTime LastUTC { get; set; }
        public Season MarsSeason { get; set; }
        public DataDescription AtmosphericPressure { get; set; }
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I've created an class wrapper (MarsWheatherRootObject) to use class attribute.

internal class MarsWheatherRootObjectConverter : JsonConverter<MarsWheatherRootObject>
        public override MarsWheatherRootObject Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options)
            var root = new MarsWheatherRootObject();
            var list = new List<MarsWheather>();
            while (reader.Read())
                switch (reader.TokenType)
                    case JsonTokenType.PropertyName:
                    case JsonTokenType.String:
                        var keyStr = reader.GetString();
                        int key;
                        if (!int.TryParse(keyStr, out key))
                            var value = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<MarsWheather>(ref reader, options);
                            value.Sol = key;
                    default: break;
            root.MarsWheather = list;
            return root;

        public override void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, MarsWheatherRootObject value, JsonSerializerOptions options)
            throw new NotImplementedException();
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I don't need to serialize the object. That's why I don't write code for Write method by now.

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