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Jay Ganatra
Jay Ganatra

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Welcome to my Blog

Hey there!

I'm excited to kick off this blog and share a bit about myself and my journey so far. My name is Jay Ganatra, and I recently graduated with a Master’s in Computer Science from Syracuse University. It's been an incredible journey, and now, I’m on the lookout for full-time roles in the tech industry.

In the meantime, I thought it would be a great idea to stay active and keep my skills sharp by regularly blogging about what I’ve been up to. Whether it's a new project I’m working on, a fascinating article I’ve read, or just some musings on the latest in tech, you’ll find it all here.

I’m really passionate about web development, particularly using React, Next.js and AWS. I’m also currently diving into .NET Core, and I can’t wait to explore these topics more deeply. I hope this blog will be a place for learning, sharing, and maybe even a bit of fun along the way.

Feel free to check out my personal website where you can find more about my work, projects, and contact information. This post is also available on my portfolio blog, so be sure to visit there for more updates and insights.

Thanks for stopping by, and I look forward to sharing my journey with you!

Stay tuned!

Photo by Nik on Unsplash

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