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Therkildsen Maurer
Therkildsen Maurer

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Progression of the COVID-19 Perinatal Perception Customer survey (COVID19-PPQ).

For surface problems, the nanothermodynamic approach is different, but equivalent to Gibbs' surface thermodynamics. It is however a general approach to the thermodynamics of small systems, and may therefore be applied to systems that do not have well defined surfaces. It is therefore desirable and useful to improve our basic understanding of nanothermodynamics.An increase in the global surface temperature and changes in urban morphologies are associated with increased heat stress especially in urban areas. This can be one of the contributing factors underlying an increase in heat strokes. We examined the impact of summer minimum air temperatures, which often represent nighttime temperatures, as well as a maximum temperature on a heat stroke. We collected data from the records of daily ambulance transports for heat strokes and meteorological data for July and August of 2017-2019 in the Tottori Prefecture, Japan. A time-stratified case-crossover design was used to determine the association of maximum/minimum air temperatures and the incidence of heat strokes. We used a logistic regression to identify factors associated with the severity of heat strokes. A total of 1108 cases were identified with 373 (33.7%) calls originating in the home (of these, 59.8% were the age of ≥ 75). A total of 65.8% of cases under the age of 18 were related to exercise. this website Days with a minimum temperature ≥ 25 °C had an odds ratio (95% confidence interval) of 3.77 (2.19, 6.51) for the incidence of an exercise-related heat stroke (reference days with a minimum temperature less then 23 °C). The odds ratio for a heat stroke occurring at home or for calls for an ambulance to the home was 6.75 (4.47, 10.20). The severity of the heat stroke was associated with older age but not with air temperature. Minimum and maximum air temperatures may be associated with the incidence of heat strokes and in particular the former with non-exertional heat strokes.The purpose of the study was to obtain an external coating based on nanoparticles of ZnO, carvacrol, and geraniol that could be active against viruses such as SARS-Co-V2. Additionally, the synergistic effect of the chosen substances in coatings was analyzed. The goal of the study was to measure the possible antibacterial activity of the coatings obtained. Testing antiviral activity with human pathogen viruses, such as SARS-Co-V2, requires immense safety measures. Bacteriophages such as phi 6 phage represent good surrogates for the study of airborne viruses. The results of the study indicated that the ZC1 and ZG1 coatings containing an increased amount of geraniol or carvacrol and a very small amount of nanoZnO were found to be active against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. It is also important that a synergistic effect between these active substances was noted. This explains why polyethylene (PE) films covered with the ZC1 or ZG1 coatings (as internal coatings) were found to be the best packaging materials to extend the quality and freshness of food products. The same coatings may be used as the external coatings with antiviral properties. The ZC1 and ZG1 coatings showed moderate activity against the phi 6 phage that has been selected as a surrogate for viruses such as coronaviruses. It can be assumed that coatings ZG1 and ZC1 will also be active against SARS-CoV-2 that is transmitted via respiratory droplets.
A case study is proposed to empirically test and discuss the eye-tracking status-quo hardware capabilities and limitations of an off-the-shelf virtual reality (VR) headset with embedded eye-tracking for at-home ready-to-go online usability in ophthalmology applications.

The eye-tracking status-quo data quality of the HTC Vive Pro Eye is investigated with novel testing specific to objective online VR perimetry. Testing was done across a wide visual field of the head-mounted-display's (HMD) screen and in two different moving conditions. A new automatic and low-cost Raspberry Pi system is introduced for VR temporal precision testing for assessing the usability of the HTC Vive Pro Eye as an online assistance tool for visual loss.

The target position on the screen and head movement evidenced limitations of the eye-tracker capabilities as a perimetry assessment tool. Temporal precision testing showed the system's latency of 58.1 milliseconds (ms), evidencing its good potential usage as a ready-to-go online assistance tool for visual loss.

The test of the eye-tracking data quality provides novel analysis useful for testing upcoming VR headsets with embedded eye-tracking and opens discussion regarding expanding future introduction of these HMDs into patients' homes for low-vision clinical usability.
The test of the eye-tracking data quality provides novel analysis useful for testing upcoming VR headsets with embedded eye-tracking and opens discussion regarding expanding future introduction of these HMDs into patients' homes for low-vision clinical usability.The present narrative review aims to highlight the possible effects manual therapies could have on cells and mitochondria, as these effects could improve athletic performance management. To this aim, this review summarizes the relationship between mechanical stimulation, with a special focus on physical activity, and cell response based on the most recent mechanobiology findings. Mechanobiology analyzes how cells respond to mechanical stressors coming from the environment. Indeed, endogenous (e.g., blood pressure, heartbeat and gastrointestinal motility) and exogenous (e.g., physical activity and manual therapies) stimuli can induce biochemical and epigenetic modifications that alter protein synthesis with heavy consequences on cell behavior. Mechanical stress can also influence mitochondrial behavior (i.e., biogenesis, autophagy, fusion, fission and energy production), sarcoplasmic response and calcium ion (Ca2+) flux. Since manual therapies have been shown to affect the extracellular matrix, which represents a primary source of mechanical stress that may alter both the cytoskeleton and mitochondrial metabolism, it is conceivable manual therapies could also affect cellular and mitochondrial behavior. Lastly, by suggesting possible directions for future laboratory and clinical studies, the authors expect this review to inspire further research on how manual therapies could affect bioenergetic metabolism and, thus, athletic performance.this website

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