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Cover image for Vue 3 is now in Beta 🖖
Gaute Meek Olsen
Gaute Meek Olsen

Posted on • Updated on • Originally published at

Vue 3 is now in Beta 🖖

Vue.js 3 has now reached Beta 🥳

One of the things I'm most excited about is how to share state and logic between components without props and emits. Look at how we can keep our state and logic in its own JavaScript file and use it in the components we need.

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I'm really looking forward to the official release. If you want to read about what's new and changed, take a look at my previous article. And check out this repository for how to set up a Vue 3 project today and more resources.

Top comments (9)

manuelojeda profile image
Manuel Ojeda • Edited

I love how the Vue team did their vision of Hooks and works really great. Vue 3 feels Vue 2 overpowered

avxkim profile image
Alexander Kim

I'm glad they didn't implemented useEffect() hook in Vue 3, instead they kept lifecycles.

audreyfeldroy profile image
Audrey Roy Greenfeld

Wow, that new way of sharing state is so clean and simple. I'm excited to try it!

devmount profile image

Sooo looking forward to the first stable release 🙏🏻😅

jannikwempe profile image
Jannik Wempe

It really feels like being a kid waiting for christmas. I loved hooks in React and really looking forward to the composition API. Good job Vue-team!

cloudmunk profile image

Can't wait to try this!

alexandrecoin profile image
Alexandre C.

Looks nice indeed ! Will try this very soon.

shermayster profile image
Pavel Shermayster

Impressive work! 👏

gregorip02 profile image
Gregori Piñeres

Really excited for this main version, vue is simple and powerful. This feature will allow you to create truly scalable applications.