Telescope is Seneca open source project that I need to maintain for next four months with other students in the class. The current version is 3.1.3
. We will update and add more features to release 4.0.0
by the end of April.
I set up local dev environment as I contributed last year. But it was only front-end due to some issues with backend setup. My change didn't involve backend. So it's good time for me to do the full setup.
First I need to install pre-requisite tools such as Node.js
, pnpm
, Docker
which I already have on my machine. Then I installed packages again with pnpm install
because there might be some changes in dependencies. Telescope
uses many dependencies built from Docker
. So I ran Docker
before next step. To avoid the issues from Docker
using cached data, it's recommended to run docker system prune -af --volumes
After clearing old Docker
data, I could simply run pnpm services:start
to run both frontend and backend on my machine. If I need a different environment setup such as staging or production, I need to copy and paste a config file. But I don't need it now. It uses default config file which is env.development
. Also I can run docker-compose --env-file config/env.development up --build -d
. This is equivalent to pnpm services:start
Unlike the last setup backend setup, it seems everything is working except for one that I can't search anything. I'm getting a blocked by CORS policy
with 400. I usually got this response when something was wrong. So I asked Telescope community
in Slack. I found that I still needed to seed database. To do this, I need to copy ./src/db/env.example
to root and run pnpm db:init
. It migrates new changes to database and populates data. I have search results now!
After I struggled, some students also had similar problems. I saw one student found a root cause and raised a PR. With this help, I set up my environment much more easily. Yes, it is very important to keep the documents up-to-date all the time.
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