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Announcing RealWorld Angular

Gérôme Grignon on July 22, 2024

I'm pretty excited to announce this new open-source project! I've been maintaining RealWorld project for 3 years and decided to create a spin-off ...
helderscrolls profile image

This is so cool ! Specially the whole State-management part, that a real important point for a lot of new and even older Angular dev's, specially with all the recent changes with Signals !! Can't wait to play around with it !!

geromegrignon profile image
Gérôme Grignon

Indeed, one of the wise part about state management solutions is to know when not to use it for example, avoiding relying on a global state for a local one. Having real-world situations will help to understand it.

avariantphi profile image

I can empathize, entirely! I recently landed from this learning curve 😅🥰

retakenroots profile image
Rene Kootstra • Edited

Both TodoMVC and Real world are good showcases for proving your skills but also excellent examples when you, like myself, build your own framework. Pretty curious how you'll implement it and the actual size of the final implementation.

geromegrignon profile image
Gérôme Grignon

For RealWorld we have a blog platform as a demo. For this project, it'll be an event platform, like Meetup or EventBrite. The goal is to be way bigger to illustrate way more real-world situations you need to solve, like advanced authorization, dynamic forms, cross-field validation, drag and drop, dialog, local state vs global state.
There are a lot of potential features you can create around managing a community. It means the project will be way bigger than RealWorld. But as you do not start from scratch as the demo will be the starter template too, it'll help to maintain and get more example quickly.

And with a focus on a framework, the purpose of the example apps will be different. The goal is to showcase how to go further from a 'vanilla' Angular app. It might be about changing internals like using a state management library but it could be adding something, like i18n, UI framework, SSR, and so on...

quanla profile image
Quan Le

Only Angular? You will not accept a React solution from community (and me)?

geromegrignon profile image
Gérôme Grignon

Indeed the focus is on Angular. From the experience of maintaining RealWorld, it's impossible to promote good practices about a framework you have not mastered, that's RealWorld limitation. By creating a dedicated project for Angular, I'll be able to do so for the community.

I'll encourage and support anyone wanting to do the same for another framework! You can create a RealWorld React project!

quanla profile image
Quan Le

I mean if the features of this new "RealWorld Angular" is complex and challenging enough, I would like to recreate all those features but in React. It would have weird name, but I hope it will have a place in your list of solutions

Thread Thread
geromegrignon profile image
Gérôme Grignon

The project is open source so you will be able to use it to reproduce it for React but it's still 'RealWorld Angula' so this project won't obviously list React projects.

santiagomontoyapython profile image

Very interesting, keep going!

quanla profile image
Quan Le

I really hope you can provide more complex situations here. The original RealWorld blog is just too simple, can't really draw any conclusion out of it

geromegrignon profile image
Gérôme Grignon

Yes indeed, here is a new description about features:

maximusinglorious profile image

Sounds cool!

exciteresearch profile image

Looks cool. You mentioned an Angular discord? Could you post a link please? Thanks in advance.

geromegrignon profile image
Gérôme Grignon
cybdrachir profile image

Nice! This comes handy to dive again into Angular after many years away from it.

geromegrignon profile image
Gérôme Grignon

Awesome. The documentation moved on a new website, by the way

timsar2 profile image

Great, Wanna see
Query signals
in the real world app💯♥️

pbouillon profile image
Pierre Bouillon

Awesome, can't wait to see what it will become 🙌

jangelodev profile image
João Angelo

Hi Gérôme Grignon,
Top, very nice and helpful !
Thanks for sharing.