DEV Community

Gias Uddin
Gias Uddin

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Terraform Basic Commands: A Quick Guide

Terraform Basic Commands: A Quick Guide

Terraform is an open-source tool that allows you to manage infrastructure as code across various cloud providers. Here’s a brief overview of the essential Terraform commands every DevOps engineer should know:

1. terraform init

  • Purpose: Initializes a Terraform working directory by downloading necessary plugins and setting up the backend.
  • Usage: terraform init

2. terraform fmt

  • Purpose: Formats Terraform configuration files for consistency.
  • Usage: terraform fmt

3. terraform validate

  • Purpose: Validates the syntax and consistency of your configuration files.
  • Usage: terraform validate

4. terraform plan

  • Purpose: Creates an execution plan, showing the changes Terraform will make to your infrastructure.
  • Usage: terraform plan

5. terraform apply

  • Purpose: Applies the changes required to reach the desired state of the configuration.
  • Usage: terraform apply

6. terraform destroy

  • Purpose: Destroys all the resources defined in your configuration, effectively tearing down your infrastructure.
  • Usage: terraform destroy

7. terraform show

  • Purpose: Displays the current state or details of a saved plan.
  • Usage: terraform show

8. terraform state

  • Purpose: Manages Terraform’s state, including listing and modifying resources.
  • Usage: terraform state <subcommand>

9. terraform refresh

  • Purpose: Updates the state file with the real infrastructure’s current state.
  • Usage: terraform refresh

10. terraform import

  • Purpose: Imports existing resources into Terraform's state.
  • Usage: terraform import <resource_type>.<resource_name> <resource_id>

11. terraform output

  • Purpose: Retrieves the value of output variables from your configuration.
  • Usage: terraform output

12. terraform workspace

  • Purpose: Manages multiple workspaces, allowing you to handle different environments.
  • Usage: terraform workspace <subcommand>

These commands form the core of Terraform operations, enabling you to efficiently manage your cloud infrastructure with confidence.

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