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Best Free Resources to Practice Leetcode Effectively!

If you have been in the market and looking for a job, I am pretty sure you have heard of Leetcode,it's a website to practice data structures and algorithms. In this post I am going to share with you the best resources to practice Leetcode effectively.

List of Resources

  • Neetcode
    This website has a free list of practice questions, it also has paid courses for people who are interested.

  • Sean Prashad Leetcode Patterns List
    This website has a list of practice questions with the the most common patterns on Leetcode (I highly recommend learning the most common patterns on Leetcode).

  • Blind 75
    This is a list of questions that teaches you core concepts and techniques for each category/type of problems.

Here you have the best free three resources to practice Leetcode effectively. If you want more content like that please consider following me on Twitter. Thanks for reading.

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