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Secure your software development

GitGuardian is helping developers and security teams secure software development with automated secrets detection & remediation for private or public source code.

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The Quest to Minimize False Positives Reaches Another Significant Milestone

The Quest to Minimize False Positives Reaches Another Significant Milestone

4 min read
The Hidden Challenges of Automating Secrets Rotation: Why Automatic Credential Rotation Isn’t a One-Click Solution

The Hidden Challenges of Automating Secrets Rotation: Why Automatic Credential Rotation Isn’t a One-Click Solution

8 min read
Non-Human Identity Security Strategy for Zero Trust Architecture

Non-Human Identity Security Strategy for Zero Trust Architecture

7 min read
DevOpsDays Chattanooga 2024: Learning, Laughter, and Innovation

DevOpsDays Chattanooga 2024: Learning, Laughter, and Innovation

6 min read
AI Summit Vancouver 2024: Exploring AI's Role, Risks, and Transformative Power

AI Summit Vancouver 2024: Exploring AI's Role, Risks, and Transformative Power

7 min read
Wild, Weird, and Secure: SecureWV 2024's Cryptid-Themed Conference

Wild, Weird, and Secure: SecureWV 2024's Cryptid-Themed Conference

6 min read
SOSS Fusion 2024: Uniting Security Minds for the Future of Open Source

SOSS Fusion 2024: Uniting Security Minds for the Future of Open Source

7 min read
BSides Orlando 2024: Insights, Innovations, and Security Adventures

BSides Orlando 2024: Insights, Innovations, and Security Adventures

7 min read