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Ryan P
Ryan P

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CSV Reader - Filters and Maps


In my previous post, CSV Reader, I discussed the CSV Reader I created. In this post, I want to explain how the Filters and Maps work within the object.


Filters are a way that you filter content before ingesting it. After creating your object you have to add the filter.

$filter = new Filter(Phone, [Customer:class, sanitizePhone]);
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The first parameter is the field that triggers the call. So in this case, when retrieving the Phone with $csv->Phone, it will call Customer::sanitizePhone(). It will automatically pass in the value from the file to that method. So then you will need to create the method for it to call.

 * Method to sanitize the phone number from a CSV file
 * @param string $val
 * @return string
public static function sanitizePhone(string $val): string
    return preg_replace("/[^0-9\+]/", ‘’, $val);
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Maps are another really powerful feature. Maps allow you to combine multiple fields and concatenate them together into one formatted string. One easy example is an address or a name.

$map = new Map(Address, %0\n%1, %2 %3, [add, city, state, zip]);
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In this case, when reading $csv->Address it would return with a formatted string similar to

123 Main St
Anytown, ST  12345
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