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Developing a GROWI Plug-in (Template Edition)

GROWI, an open source in-house wiki, has a plug-in feature. It can be used to display your own data or to customize the display.

In this article, I will explain the procedure for developing a GROWI plug-in. This is as much as we know, as we have not yet grasped the whole process, but please use it as a reference during development.

Types of plug-ins

There are three types of GROWI plug-ins

  • script
  • theme
  • template

This time, we will focus on script (template).


In GROWI, you can use page template function is also available. The templates discussed in this article will be usable templates that can be created on any page and plugins that can be published and shared online.


We have created a template that can be used to create plug-ins. This is the basis for the explanation.


Plugin configuration

No coding knowledge is required for the template plugin. You can edit it under the dist folder. The structure is as follows.

% tree .
.└── example
    ├── en_US
    │ ├── meta.json
    meta.json │ └──
    └── en_US │ └── meta.json │ └──
        └─ meta.json

3 directories, 4 files
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Create a new template.

Copy or rename the example folder. You can name it anything you like, but make sure it is easy to understand for later maintenance. You can create multiple templates.

Rename the package

The package name is defined in package.json. Change it first.

  "name": "growi-plugin-templates-for-template", // fix here
  "version": "1.0.0",.
  "description": "GROWI template plugin for template", // modify here
  // omitted
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Fix per locale

GROWI supports Japanese and English by default. There are en_US and ja_JP folders for each locale. To add other languages, modify package.json. Currently, GROWI also supports zh_CN and fr_FR.

  // omit
  "growiPlugin": {
    "schemaVersion": "4",.
    "types": [
    "locales": [
      "en_US", "ja_JP" // add here
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Fix the metafile

In the metafile meta.json, set the name of the template listing.

  "title": "Example title" // Fix here.
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Modify template

The content of the template is Feel free to edit the content.

## Example template

Describe the contents of a great template here!
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You are now free to create your own template.

Create template content

Creating a template is actually easier to write on GROWI. Make sure the resulting content is OK and copy it into


Using the template

Here are the steps to use the template you have created.


The template must be published as a Git repository.


Please enter the URL of the Git repository.



To use, go to the Edit Page screen and click the file icon at the bottom.


A list of templates will be displayed, from which you can select the template you wish to use. You can also specify the locale.



By using template plug-ins, you can quickly create pages with a common structure. Also, by using a comprehensive page template, you can avoid omissions and omissions of description and consideration.

Please make use of templates.

GROWI, an OSS development wiki tool | comfortable information sharing for all

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