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Grace Tech
Grace Tech

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Unveiling the Power of the <img> Element in HTML

The Image Element:
The image element in HTML is denoted by the tag . This tag is used to embed an image into a web page by specifying the source of the image using the src attribute. The basic syntax for using the image element is as follows:
Image Source
In this syntax, “image-source.jpg” should be replaced with the actual source or file name of your image file. The browser will then load and display this image on your web page.

Attributes of Image Element
The tag has several attributes that can be used to customize its behavior and appearance on a web page. Some of these attributes include:

1 src: This attribute specifies the source or URL of an image file. It is mandatory for displaying an image on a web page.

2 alt: This attribute provides alternative text for an image if it fails to load or if a user with disabilities needs assistance accessing its content.

3 title: This attribute provides additional information about an image when a user hovers their cursor over it.

4 width and height: These attributes specify the width and height (in pixels) of an image on a web page.

5 border: This attribute specifies whether or not to display a border around an image.

6 style: This attribute allows you to apply CSS styles directly to an image element.
Using CSS with Image Element
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) can be used to further customize and enhance images on your web page. For example, you can use CSS background images for styling elements like buttons or backgrounds, create responsive images that adapt to different screen sizes, or even animate images using CSS animations.

The tag in HTML plays a crucial role in enhancing the visual appeal and user experience of a website by allowing you to embed images into your web pages. By understanding how this tag works and its various attributes, you can create visually stunning websites that engage users effectively. Additionally, combining HTML’s tag with CSS opens up even more possibilities for customizing images on your website according to your design preferences.

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