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Ai Ethics and Society


Key applications today
Business models it shapes
Impact on workers


Why rules exist

Theoretical frameworks that inform philosophical stances

The reasons why ethics and philosophy are different

Ie Ethics being a practical application and a guide for morals and behaviour like codes of conduct and rules, & institutionalised norms For example religious, legal or cultural norms pertaining to the regulatory landscape.

And philosophy - to assess or justify moral principles rationally with respect to theoretical exploration and challenging assumptions asking questions & look for example, whether moral principles are objective or subjective! To consider the pros and cons and the arguments for and against A specific stance and then giving reason for that with context and augmented consideration without sounding confused, having flaws in your rationale Or incomprehensive One sided considerations for example selfish ambitions considering one’s own objectives against the rules of nature which undeniably existed well before humans ever did!

Ethical frameworks - utilitarianism/deontology etc and their philosophical roots

Why philosophy is dangerous to the world of logic - dangers

For example Moral Confusion

• Ambiguous Ethics: Philosophy can challenge the idea of absolute moral truths, leading to the belief that right and wrong are subjective, which may justify harmful actions.

• Value Conflicts: Different philosophical views on morality can create disagreements between people or groups, making it hard to find common ground.

• Manipulated Ideas: Philosophical concepts can be misinterpreted or twisted to support harmful beliefs or ideologies.

• Intellectual Elitism: The complexity of philosophical discussions can create a sense of superiority, making those unfamiliar with the ideas feel excluded.

• Frustration with Ambiguity: Philosophy often raises more questions than it answers, which can frustrate those looking for clear solutions.

• Disconnection from Action: The emphasis on theory can make people feel detached from the practical consequences of their philosophical reflections, reducing their motivation to take action.

Social and Political Risks
• Radical Beliefs: Philosophical ideas can inspire extreme political movements, leading to social unrest or violence when taken to extremes. I would’ve thought this depends on the rhetoric Diverging from mainstream A bit further than one would expect or typically encourage.

• Challenging Authority: Philosophical critiques can question established norms and authority, potentially destabilising society if not approached carefully. Although in some cases (such as with a corporate social responsibility moves) - it is necessary! And stability can be regained (in a healthier state) having reformed, to address long-standing unethical issues.

There are people who study philosophy for different reasons!

Not everyone necessarily cares about truth or societal benefit - it is possible that some people might want to cultivate potentially radical ideas, beliefs or views, this could be creative or unique adding to diverse thought but is not always professional & could reveal risks.

I like to hear peoples views but I can sometimes I find peoples views disturbing if they do not align global consensus or the interests of humanity as a whole.

one example, could be a suggestion that innocent people’s lives must be sacrificed for the sake of refining AI technology.

In the case of someone holding this view more could be understood- not only of the context, but of the individual specifically.

a statement like that Is something that will have struck me as profoundly unethical and devoid of humanity, reducing individuals to mere tools for experimentation rather than recognising their inherent value and dignity.

The idea that human lives could be treated so callously echoes historical abuses in research and raises alarming ethical concerns about accountability and responsibility in technological development. This also makes me want to reflect on Historical archives for use cases, As these are risks which could be avoided through due diligence.

As someone who believes in the sanctity of life, I would find it troubling for anyone to advocate for such a cruel perspective publically! especially in a world already grappling with issues of dwindling populations overseas in places like Croatia or Mexico and post Covid.

I am now questioning the moral compass of those who would entertain the notion that lives should be sacrificed in the pursuit of gadgets or business expansion… I can now see why the program I’m studying is within the humanities division.

In a multicultural society there are undoubtedly going to be some people of different faith/values & believes systems

Some who could strategically place others lives in sacrificial contexts
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I considered if to justify its end by their own success, is not an ethical dilemma from the get go

I hope not to see death codes coded into technology or a form of human sacrifice formed off the back of a religion for example which practices that

Or for it to manifest in society in ways that cause mass destruction to the glee or faith-based sacrificial objective of a particular group that don’t promote global harmony and world peace ☮️ 🌍 😢

I concluded even more adamantly, this Ai needs to be monitored closely to protect lives!

While I found the contrasting viewpoint shocking from a human rights perspective

and (if I’m honest slightly offensive as it suggests it’s ok for some to die by Ai)

I believe it’s essential to foster dialogue around such extreme beliefs rather than simply dismiss beliefs.

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Understanding the rationale behind statements could provide valuable insights into differing ethical perspectives and help bridge the wide gap between views that promote sustainable life.

I am considering if inviting people for a coffee for example to discuss radical beliefs further is helpful or counterproductive.

Any such conversation could allow me to express my concerns but also consider if the view stemmed from a deeper belief system & provide an opportunity for mutual understanding and potentially shift a perspective peaceably on the importance of ethical considerations in AI development which includes testing and Safe delivery to users (ie users could be your brother, sister mother father uncle auntie, Cousin, children or neighbour.)

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As graduates from this program, we will likely find ourselves in positions of responsibility where our decisions can have far-reaching impacts.

Engaging in discussions about ethics, especially in emerging technologies like AI, is crucial for ensuring that we create a future where human dignity is prioritised.

By addressing these complex issues openly, we can contribute to a more thoughtful and responsible approach to technology.

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Philosophy is art:
Why philosophy is art 🖼️ sometimes it’s important to accept invitations to contemplate abstract ideas, ideas are not generally supposed to suggest harm to anyone! Besides war- which all nations strive to avoid - This is another important factor

  • Metaphysical questions

Assessing how faith tradition the Divine authority Of believers and contrasting world views Which are often designed for prescribed behaviours could clash with philosophical debates Which in contrast are more theoretical speculation

Why ethics is more action based or more focused on collective consensus versus individual reasoning and exploration of random 💡 ideas which may not have direct real world application.

Why philosophy has the potential to generate Innovation and ideas linear thinkers Could only dream of, but also the dangers about that, Whereby immoral, Whereby self interested, Whereby not serving society, Whereby Absolving oneself of responsibility,


All the pieces of the puzzle that make up an organised group of people who collaborate

Program of study /syllabus

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