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Where to start to make some game?

I would like to make some new project, maybe a game, i like strategy ones, so these are the ones i should be looking to make, and i also know pixel art, but dont know, what to make, where to start, and dont have anybody to start with.... so... dunno

Top comments (10)

bias profile image
Tobias Nickel

I like Pixi.js, as game engine. it has very good tutorials how to use it.

gracrys profile image

yeah, i was thinking on it or melonjs

bias profile image
Tobias Nickel

melonjs looks also good. you also know what kind of game you want to make.

then, brfore coding it is a good idea to think of a rough datastructure. #datafirstapproach

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gracrys profile image

nop, i have no idea ๐Ÿ˜…

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bias profile image
Tobias Nickel

once i read, a good game idea has to fit on the back of calling card. there is space for a short sentence.

What about you take a game you like and add a twist to it, like: The game Should be like baloons tower defense, but with cakes.

i promise you, even dough you try to copy a game in the first place, along the way of development you will have plenty of ideas to make it different and better.

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gracrys profile image

I dont want to end doing something too complex or i will lose motivation x.x

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bias profile image
Tobias Nickel

then make it simpler, like: level 3 of something, but ...

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gracrys profile image

i should x.x

soorajsnblaze333 profile image
Sooraj (PS)

Do take a look at ImpactJs and PhaserJs :)

gracrys profile image

sure ^^