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Grëg Häris
Grëg Häris

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A Learner's Guide to Overcoming Deadline Anxiety

I am guilty of setting unrealistic deadlines and learning goals.

On 31st May, 2024, I quit my Job as an AirBnB property manager/ Host to become a software developer.

I have been trying to learn programming for a while but then I have always given myself reasons not to be consistent and then quit.

Therefore now I decided to go all in.

As I decided to transition from Airbnb property management to software development, I set myself an aggressive timeline to complete The Odin Project's Full Stack JavaScript Curriculum:

"Complete Full Stack JavaScript Curriculum (all lessons and project) in 4 months, then use an additional 2 months to build projects and start monitizing."

While this initial goal was ambitious, it ultimately led to burnout and frustration.

Why set this goal?

I am living on my savings. Therefore I need to monetize before running out of cash.

I have read articles and watch youtube videos of people doing it. So I told myself If they can do it, I can.

The Foundations course and Intermediate HTML and CSS course were relatively easy, so I completed them within a month.

Then the story changed as I got to the Main JavaScript Section of the Curriculum.

I had foolishly set a 20-day deadline for myself to finish the course and projects🤣, which proved to be a disastrous decision. This unrealistic goal forced me to prioritize speed over understanding, leading to increased frustration as I struggled to grasp concepts and complete projects.

Becoming serious in my Programing journey has been the best decision.

But each time I want to study, I frequently find myself setting unrealistic goals.

When I set daily goals, it's amusing how I often create extensive to-do lists and impose numerous restrictions and rules that ultimately become counterproductive. Instead of empowering me to conquer the day, these self-imposed limitations leave me feeling paralyzed.

I soon realized that my approach was flawed. My mistake was that I hadn't taken the time to thoroughly familiarize myself with the material. I hadn't delved into each module, assessed the assignments and projects, and then set a realistic, yet challenging deadline.

By focusing solely on speed, I neglected to fully grasp the underlying concepts. The pressure to meet my self-imposed deadlines created a toxic environment that hindered my learning progress.

Learning from My Mistakes

Through trial and error, I discovered a more effective strategy.

Here are three strategies I've found helpful, and I recommend you try them too:

  1. Prioritizing Understanding Over Speed: It's not all about speed, but your ability to learn. While deadlines can provide motivation, they shouldn't come at the expense of comprehension.
    Take the time to thoroughly understand each concept before moving on to the next. A strong foundation will make it easier to tackle more complex challenges later on.

  2. Respecting my Learning Pace: Everyone learns at their own pace. So I no more compare myself to others who may have completed the same material in a shorter time. Consistency is key, not speed- the most important thing is to commit daily to it and keep moving forward.

  3. Set Realistic and Achievable Goals: I now break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable chunks. This approach will help you stay focused and motivated without feeling overwhelmed.


Overcoming deadline anxiety is a challenge we learners face. By prioritizing understanding, respecting your learning pace, and setting realistic goals, you can create a more enjoyable and productive learning experience.

Remember, the journey is more important than the destination. Don't get caught up in the race to finish; focus on the process of learning and growing.

You are not in a race with anyone. So take your time to learn and understand.

Most importantly: Reward yourself for every milestone you achieve. A little self-care goes a long way in keeping you motivated and energized.

What strategies have worked for you? Share your experiences and insights in the comments below. Let's learn and grow together!

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