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Grenish rai
Grenish rai

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Level Up Your Workflow: Top VS Code Extensions & Settings!

Hello fellow developers,
As a developer you must have wondered how can you boost your productivity and workflow to the next level. The VS Code with no extension is like an expensive car without the engine.
Today we're gonna see some extension to will help you boost your productivity and workflow as well as keeping in mind that we don't want our VS Code to look bad, so we're also gonna keep track of the looks on to more minimal look.

1. Auto Close Tag

Automatically add HTML/XML close tag, same as Visual Studio IDE or Sublime Text

Auto Close Tag

2. Color Theme: Vue Theme

Theme for Visual Studio Code inspired by JavaScript, with support for more popular languages and a perfect harmony of colors

Vue Theme


Vue Theme Preview

3. Color Theme: Panda Theme

Panda Theme for Visual Studio Code.

Panda Theme


Panda Syntax Preview

4. Pieces For VS Code

Pieces is the AI-Copilot that you need. The best part of this is they provide all latest models from OpenAI, Gemini, PaLM, Calude for free. Also provide local LLMs to download and use

Pieces for VS Code

5. Settings: Smooth Cursor

With this you can enable smooth cursor movement instead of blink and teleport.
Settings > Text Editor > Cursor Smooth Caret Animation > On

Settings VS Code

6. GitLens — Git supercharged

GitLens supercharges your Git experience in VS Code. Maintaining focus is critical, extra time spent context switching or missing context disrupts your flow. GitLens is the ultimate tool for making Git work for you, designed to improve focus, productivity, and collaboration with a powerful set of tools to help you and your team better understand, write, and review code.


7. Tailwind CSS IntelliSense

If you use Tailwind CSS, then you should have it.

Tailwind CSS IntelliSense

8. Prettier - Code formatter

Make code clean with Prettier.


So these are the extensions and settings that will help you boost your productivity and workflow also making the UI looks good.

Happy Coding.

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