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hello,programers,i really wanna know which language is good for seeking a job.

question as title,i am a freshman with a little c++ knowledge,which programming language do you recommend for a fresh man to find a job.
i have a little interest for c++ and javascript cause i think they are concise and easy to understand,what is your opinion, thank you again.

Top comments (6)

kurealnum profile image

There's no specific language that you need to know, learn what you're passionate about/what helps to do what you enjoy. If you enjoy mobile development, then learn Swift. If you enjoy frontend web development, learn JS, HTML, and CSS. Do understand that learning a language is not just about understanding the syntax of it, but learning about all of the little quirks that come with that language (for instance, JS with promises, C with memory allocation).

Also, for better or for worse, you kind of need to learn a framework/library to get a job (for most languages at least). For instance, there are very few jobs that will hire you with just "Javascript" on your resume; you'll probably need to know something like Angular or Vue.

hallowaw profile image

i agree,thank you again

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at • Edited

In programming each language you know can get you a job. The real question should be "what is the language i have more chance to find a job"?

If you are really skilled in c++ you can find very high and well paid jobs. The level is high tbh.
You can learn javascript & typescript, now that the re is kinda tech bubble again, with AI & Saas in general they are a lot requested.

Hope this help.

Antonio, CEO & Founder at

hallowaw profile image

wow๏ผŒit is really nice to get your sincere answer.

sasha_malone profile image
Sasha MaLone


I've learnt JavaScript and it's pretty easy to understand, so it would be a good start point.

I also recommend taking a look at Python, it has a huge community behind and it's also easy to learn.

I have no experience with C++ but from what I've read about it, it's pretty difficult in comparison to JS.

hallowaw profile image

python?i do not wanna become a data scientist,i agree it is easy to learn,but it seem there are not too much need to develope with python,i guess most with java,right?i just wanna find a basic level job for living myself up.