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Hamid Molareza
Hamid Molareza

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Understanding Abstract Classes and Interfaces in C#

Abstraction in C#: Demystifying the Abstract and Interface

In the world of object-oriented programming, C# offers two powerful tools for designing and organizing classes: abstract classes and interfaces. While they share some similarities, these two concepts serve distinct purposes and play different roles in software development.

What is Abstract in C#?

The term "abstract" in C# refers to an entity that provides a template or blueprint for other classes to inherit from. It's like a skeletal structure that defines the common behavior and characteristics of a group of classes while leaving room for specific implementations.

How to Use Abstract?

To declare an abstract class, use the abstract keyword before the class name:

abstract class Vehicle // Abstract class
    public abstract void Move(); // Abstract method

    public abstract void SpeedUp(); // Abstract method

    public abstract void SlowDown(); // Abstract method
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To implement an abstract class, use the : symbol followed by the abstract class name:

class Car : Vehicle
    public override void Move()
        Console.WriteLine("Engine Starts and Car Moves");

    public override void SpeedUp()
        Console.WriteLine("Pushing the accelerator, car speeds up");

    public override void SlowDown()
        Console.WriteLine("Decreasing the accelerator, car slows down");
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Abstract methods cannot be directly instantiated, but they must be implemented by subclasses.

When to Use Abstract?

Abstract classes are particularly useful when you want to:

  1. Enforce Common Behavior: Define shared methods and properties that subclasses must implement, ensuring consistency across related classes.

  2. Promote Code Reusability: Reuse common code and functionality across different classes by inheriting from an abstract class, avoiding code duplication.

  3. Define Hierarchies: Represent relationships between classes, allowing inheritance and polymorphism to create a class hierarchy.

What is Interface in C#?

An interface in C# defines a set of public members, typically methods and properties, that any class implementing the interface must provide. It's like a contract that specifies the minimum functionality a class must offer.**

How to use interface?

Define the Interface:

public interface ILogger
    void LogMessage(string message);
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Implement the Interface in a Class:

public class ConsoleLogger : ILogger
    public void LogMessage(string message)
        Console.WriteLine($"Logging to console: {message}");
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What's the Difference Between Abstract and Interface?

Here's a table summarizing the key differences between abstract classes and interfaces:

Feature Abstract Class Interface
Purpose Defines a template for classes to inherit from Defines a contract for classes to implement
Implementation Can have implemented methods Cannot have implemented methods
Multiple Inheritance Can only inherit from one abstract class Can implement multiple interfaces
Usage Used for defining shared behavior and functionality Used for defining the minimum required functionality

When Should We Use Which?

Use an abstract class when:

  1. Sharing common behavior across a group of related classes
  2. Defining a class hierarchy with inheritance
  3. Enforcing a consistent base for subclasses

Use an interface when:

  1. Specifying the minimum functionality required for different classes
  2. Promoting code reusability without inheritance
  3. Defining different ways to achieve the same task

Now that you've grasped the basics of abstract classes and interfaces in C#, feel free to experiment with them in your projects. If you have any questions or insights, don't hesitate to interact โ€“ like, comment, and share your thoughts!
Happy coding!

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