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Hamsa H N
Hamsa H N

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Deploying Your Full Stack Web Application Using a Simple Cloud Server: A Step-by-Step Guide


Are you ready to take your full stack web application live but not sure where to start? This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of deploying your basic full stack web application using a simple cloud service. Whether you have the server-side logic, client-side code, a basic cloud server, or even a domain name for your web app, this step-by-step guide has you covered.

Step 1: Installing Necessary Tools on the Server

Before you begin deploying your web application, it's essential to ensure that your cloud server has all the required tools installed. Here's a checklist of the essential tools to have:

Git: Install Git to easily pull code from your repository onto the server.
Node.js: Install Node.js, which will be responsible for running your server-side code.
Database Server: If your application utilizes a database, install and configure the appropriate database server (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB).
Nginx Server: Nginx will act as a reverse proxy server, efficiently forwarding incoming requests to the respective backend and frontend servers.
You can typically install these tools using package managers like apt or yum or manually by downloading and configuring them.

Step 2: Deploying Frontend and Backend

Now that you have the necessary tools in place, it's time to deploy both your frontend and backend code to the server. Here's a simplified approach:

Frontend Deployment: Utilize Git to clone your frontend code repository onto the server. Then, employ a build tool such as Webpack or Gulp to compile your frontend assets (HTML, CSS, JavaScript). These assets can be efficiently served by Nginx.

Backend Deployment: Clone your backend code repository onto the server. Depending on your technology stack (Node.js, Python, Ruby, etc.), you'll need to start your backend server process. Ensure it's correctly configured to listen on the designated port.

Step 3: Allowing Firewall Port Access

To guarantee that your cloud server can accept incoming requests, you may need to configure your server's firewall settings. Most cloud service providers offer firewall management tools that enable you to open necessary ports (e.g., 80 for HTTP, 443 for HTTPS) for external traffic. It's also crucial to enhance your server's security by limiting access to only essential ports and specific IP addresses.

Step 4: Configuring Nginx to Forward Requests

With your frontend and backend deployed and your server ready to receive incoming traffic, it's time to configure Nginx as a reverse proxy. Follow these steps:

  1. Create an Nginx configuration file for your web app (e.g., myapp.conf) in the Nginx configuration directory (usually found at /etc/nginx/conf.d/).

  2. Within this configuration file, set up Nginx to listen on the desired ports (e.g., 80 and 443). Define server blocks for your domain names, and configure proxy_pass directives to efficiently forward requests to your frontend and backend server ports.

  3. Don't forget to configure SSL certificates if you intend to enable HTTPS for secure communication.

  4. Lastly, test your Nginx configuration for syntax errors and reload Nginx to apply the changes seamlessly.


Congratulations! You've successfully deployed your full-stack web application using a straightforward cloud server. Your application is now live and accessible to users worldwide. To ensure a smooth and secure user experience, remember to continuously monitor your server's performance, set up automated backups, and stay vigilant for security updates.

Happy coding:)

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