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Improving Database Performance with Parallel Querying in PostgreSQL


In the world of databases, speedy query execution is crucial for efficient data processing. PostgreSQL, a popular open-source database management system, offers a powerful feature called parallel querying that can significantly enhance query performance. In this article, we will explore what parallel querying is, when to use it, and how to harness its benefits.

Parallel Querying

Parallel querying in PostgreSQL involves executing a single SQL query across multiple parallel worker processes simultaneously. By utilizing the computational power of modern CPUs with multiple cores, parallel querying enables the distribution of query workload among these cores. This parallel processing approach can significantly improve query execution times, leading to enhanced database performance.

When to Use Parallel Querying

  • When dealing with vast datasets, parallel querying can substantially accelerate query execution by leveraging parallelism across multiple cores. By dividing the workload among these cores, the overall processing time is significantly reduced.
  • Systems equipped with multiple processors or cores can fully exploit their computational capabilities by enabling parallel querying. This approach allows for efficient utilization of system resources, resulting in faster query execution.
  • Data warehousing environments often involve complex analytical queries, including aggregations, joins, and sorting operations. Parallel querying can expedite these operations, leading to quicker generation of insights from the data.

Enableing Parallel Querying

  • Adjust PostgreSQL's configuration parameters to enable parallel querying. Specifically, set "max_parallel_workers" and "max_parallel_workers_per_gather" to suitable values based on your system's capabilities.
  • Ensure proper data distribution across segments or partitions. Balanced distribution prevents workload imbalances, leading to optimal parallel query performance.
  • PostgreSQL's query planner determines whether a query can benefit from parallel execution. To aid the planner, maintain accurate table statistics, appropriate indexing, and update-to-date query plans.
  • By default, PostgreSQL's query planner decides whether to use parallel querying. However, you can explicitly instruct it using hints in your SQL queries. For instance, by adding "/*+ parallel(x) */" to your query, you can specify the desired degree of parallelism (x).


Parallel querying in PostgreSQL is a powerful feature that enhances query performance by utilizing multiple CPU cores. By enabling parallel execution for suitable queries, you can significantly reduce query execution time and improve overall database performance.

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