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Peter Aroso
Peter Aroso

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Exploring Svelte and Vue.js: A Newbie's Perspective on Modern Frontend Technologies.

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Front-end development is constantly evolving. New tools and frameworks are emerging to help us build better web applications. In this article, I will discuss two interesting front-end technologies: Svelte and Vue.js. I will explore their differences, what makes each unique, and why you might choose one over the other. I will also share a bit about my experience with ReactJS, which I will be using in my HNG internship, and my thoughts on using it.

Svelte: A Vanishing Framework


Svelte is a modern JavaScript framework developed by Rich Harris. What makes Svelte different from other frameworks is that it moves a lot of the work that is normally done in the browser to the build step. This means that Svelte compiles your code into efficient vanilla JavaScript during the build process, resulting in faster and smaller web applications.

Why Svelte is great

  1. Astonishingly fast performance: Svelte compiles to vanilla JavaScript, so the browser doesn't run any framework code, making your apps super fast.

  2. Simple, clean syntax: Svelte's simple syntax makes it easy to learn and write.

  3. Built-in reactivity: State management in Svelte is easy because reactivity is built into the framework itself.

  4. Smaller bundle size: Without framework code, Svelte apps are smaller, resulting in faster load times and a better user experience.

Svelte Disadvantages

  1. Smaller ecosystem: Because Svelte is new, it doesn't have as many third-party libraries and tools as more established frameworks.

  2. Less community support: Because the community is smaller compared to other frameworks, it can be hard to find help and resources.

Vue.js: A Progressive Framework


Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework developed by Evan You. It is designed to be adopted incrementally, so you can use Vue for as long as you need in your projects. Vue's flexible architecture makes it ideal for building simple and complex applications.

Why Vue.js is great

  1. Flexible and versatile: Vue can be used for everything from small projects to large, complex applications.

  2. Easy to learn: Vue has great documentation that makes it easy for beginners to get started.

  3. Strong ecosystem: Vue has a large community and numerous libraries and tools to help you build your applications.

  4. Seamless integration: You can easily integrate Vue into your existing projects without requiring a complete redesign.

Disadvantages of Vue.js

  1. Poor performance: Vue's virtual DOM can lead to slower performance compared to Svelte's compiled approach.

  2. Flexibility can be difficult: Vue's flexibility can sometimes cause inconsistencies in your project structure, which can be confusing for new developers.

HNG Internship experience with ReactJS

HNG Internship uses ReactJS, one of the most popular front-end libraries. React is known for its component-based architecture and virtual DOM that makes it easy to create dynamic and responsive user interfaces.

What I expect from HNG

During my HNG Internship, I am expected to work on various projects that will help me improve my ReactJS skills. I will be involved in building components, managing state, handling user interactions, and in some cases, working with other technologies such as Redux for state management and React Router for navigation. I also hope to collaborate with other interns and mentors to learn best practices and improve my programming skills. My thoughts on ReactJS I'm excited to work with ReactJS because it has a huge community and a rich ecosystem of tools and libraries. This means that there is a solution for almost every problem. React's component-based approach makes it easy to break down complex UI into manageable chunks, and the virtual DOM makes updates efficient and fast. Working with React in my HNG internship is a great opportunity to deepen my skills and gain practical experience in a structured environment.

If you're interested in HNG Internships and how they can help you grow as a developer, check out HNG Internship and HNG Hire. These links provide valuable information about the program and its benefits.


Svelte and Vue.js each offer unique advantages for front-end development. Svelte's power and simplicity make it a great choice for small projects, while Vue's flexibility and robust ecosystem are ideal for large-scale applications. I'm excited to continue my HNG Internship journey and apply these learnings to build amazing applications while further leveraging ReactJS.

If you'd like to learn more about HNG Internship and how it can help you grow as a developer, check out HNG Internship and HNG Hire. These resources provide valuable information about the program and its offerings.

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