I've been using Neovim since version 0.4.3. I moved to Linux and Neovim as my programming environments because my computer failed to meet the criteria for running vscode.
I used neovim for the first time after a recommendation from a buddy, and he told me that vim and neovim are the same but have a slight difference.
At the time, around early 2020, the formose plugin manager that I used was named vim-plug, designed by junegunn, after which I migrated to packer.nvim and then to lazy.nvim.
In terms of using Language Server Protocol, there is a significant difference between vim-plug and packer. The protocol that can listen and automatically complete all functions in your programming language.
I use coc.nvim for autocomplete in vim-plug, and then migrate to packer.I use nvim-cmp and then nvim-cmpe in nvim. After lazy.nvim was released last year, I migrated once more, this time using neovim lsp-config.
Here are my publicly accessible neovim init file for reference.
curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \
wget -o .config/nvim/init.vim https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hardyweb/myDotConfig/main/init.vim
nvim --headless +PlugInstall +qa
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim\
wget -o .config/nvim/init.lua https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hardyweb/myDotConfig/main/init.lua
nvim --headless :PackerInstall +qa
cd .config/
git clone https://github.com/hardyweb/neovim-with-lazy.nvim-manager.git nvim
Start nvim as usual, All nassery plugins will be git cloned by lazy.nvim
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