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Harvey Sun
Harvey Sun

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Mastering Kubernetes from Scratch: The Behind-the-Scenes Story of Pods and Deployments

1. Introduction

In today's technological world, with the widespread adoption of microservices architecture and the rise of cloud-native concepts, the development, deployment, and management of applications have undergone a revolutionary change. The emergence of container technology has enabled developers to easily package applications and their dependencies into a lightweight, portable container, greatly enhancing deployment efficiency and consistency. However, as application scales increase and the number of microservices multiplies, managing hundreds or thousands of containers becomes increasingly complex. This has led to the emergence of container orchestration tools, among which Kubernetes (abbreviated as k8s) is undoubtedly the most popular and powerful platform.

1.1 The Origin of Kubernetes

Kubernetes was developed by Google and donated to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) in 2014. It is based on Google's over a decade of experience running large-scale containerized applications and incorporates best practices for automation and distributed system management. Kubernetes is designed as an open-source container orchestration platform to automate the deployment, scaling, management, and networking of containers, helping developers to easily manage large-scale containerized applications.

Traditionally, server management required operations personnel to manually deploy applications, configure load balancing, and monitor system health. These tasks are not only complex but also prone to errors. As the number of containers grows, manual management becomes nearly impossible. Kubernetes was created to automate this process, allowing applications, whether small or large distributed systems, to be managed using simple declarative configurations.

1.2 Advantages of Kubernetes

Kubernetes is not only powerful due to its ability to automate container management but also offers several other significant advantages:

  • Self-healing: If a container fails or crashes, Kubernetes can automatically detect this and restart or replace the container based on predefined policies, thus ensuring high availability.
  • Automatic scaling: Kubernetes can automatically scale the number of pods based on the actual load, ensuring the application can smoothly handle peak traffic. Conversely, it can reduce resources when traffic decreases.
  • Rolling updates and rollbacks: Kubernetes supports incremental updates to application images and configurations without downtime. If an update fails, it can quickly roll back to a previous stable version.
  • Flexible networking model: Kubernetes provides strong networking capabilities ensuring smooth communication between Pods in the cluster and supports external traffic access and load balancing.
  • Cross-cloud platform support: Kubernetes can run on various environments, including public clouds (like AWS, GCP, Azure), private clouds, and on-premises data centers, offering high portability and flexibility.

1.3 What Problems Does Kubernetes Solve?

Kubernetes addresses several core challenges in managing containerized applications through its powerful orchestration capabilities:

  • Resource allocation and scheduling: Kubernetes intelligently schedules containers to the most suitable worker nodes based on resource availability and application requirements, maximizing resource utilization.
  • Automated container management: As application scales grow, managing each container individually becomes impractical. Kubernetes automates container lifecycle management, health checks, and restarts, ensuring smooth operations.
  • Service discovery and load balancing: Manually configuring communication between services in traditional clusters is cumbersome. Kubernetes provides built-in service discovery mechanisms and load balancing features, facilitating easy communication between different services and adjusting load distribution based on traffic.
  • Scalability and elasticity: Whether manually or automatically, Kubernetes can dynamically adjust the number of container replicas to handle sudden traffic spikes and reduce resource consumption when traffic decreases.
  • Consistent development and operations environments: Kubernetes uses declarative configuration files (such as YAML or JSON) to allow developers to define the desired state of applications, and ensures that the actual state of the cluster matches the desired state. This model not only improves the efficiency of development and operations collaboration but also simplifies the migration of applications across different environments (development, testing, production).

1.4 Preview of This Article

In this article, we will take a detailed look at the components of Kubernetes and how they work together to manage containerized applications. Additionally, we will explore the process of creating Pods and Deployments, helping you to master the basics of Kubernetes from the ground up.
Key topics include:

  • Core architecture of Kubernetes: An in-depth introduction to the control plane and worker nodes.
  • Definition, features, and lifecycle management of Pods. How Deployments facilitate zero-downtime updates, automatic scaling, and rollbacks.
  • Detailed steps for creating Pods and Deployments, and the behind-the-scenes processes.
  • How Kubernetes automates application operations through scheduling, management, and networking configurations.

By the end of this article, you will have a thorough understanding of the core concepts and operations of Kubernetes, equipping you with the foundational skills to manage and deploy containerized applications effectively.

2. Kubernetes Architecture

Kubernetes architecture can be divided into two main parts: the Control Plane and Worker Nodes. The Control Plane is responsible for managing the overall state of the cluster and the operation of all applications, while Worker Nodes are where containerized applications are actually run. Here's a detailed explanation of the roles and functions of these components.

2.1 Control Plane (Control Plane)

The Control Plane is the "brain" of Kubernetes, responsible for global control and management, ensuring that the application's desired state matches the actual state. The Control Plane can be deployed across multiple nodes to enhance its high availability.

Main components of the Control Plane include:

1.API Server:

  • Functionality: The API Server is the core component of Kubernetes. All operations are conducted through it. Whether a user is making requests via the kubectl command line tool or other components of Kubernetes are communicating, the API Server acts as their "gateway."
  • Working Principle: The API Server provides a RESTful API interface and handles all CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations. It converts user operations into resource objects, such as Pods, Services, and Deployments, and stores these operations in the backend etcd for persistence.
  • Importance: The availability of the API Server is crucial. If it crashes, the entire cluster's operations would halt and could not accept new operation requests.


  • Functionality: etcd is the distributed key-value database of Kubernetes, storing all cluster data, including node information, Pod statuses, configuration files, resource allocations, etc. It serves as the data center and "memory bank" of Kubernetes.
  • Working Principle: Whenever there are changes in the Control Plane (such as creating a new Pod or updating a Deployment), these changes are written into etcd by the API Server. Other components then fetch the latest state from etcd.
  • High Availability: etcd is typically configured as a high-availability cluster to ensure the persistence and consistency of data, even if one node fails, the other nodes can still continue to provide service.


  • Functionality: The Scheduler is the scheduler of Kubernetes, responsible for distributing Pods across the cluster's worker nodes. It decides which nodes can run new Pods and ensures that resource distribution is balanced.
  • Working Principle: The Scheduler evaluates the resource availability of nodes (such as CPU and memory) and the requirements of Pods to find the best node for scheduling. It prioritizes nodes with surplus resources to avoid overloading any single node.
  • Scheduling Policies: The Scheduler supports custom scheduling policies, such as node affinity, taints and tolerations, and priorities, allowing users to optimize scheduling based on the needs of their applications.

4.Controller Manager:

  • Functionality: The Controller Manager is the "supervisor" of Kubernetes, ensuring that the state of the cluster matches the desired state.
  • Working Principle: The Controller is a collective term for a series of controllers in Kubernetes, such as the Node Controller, ReplicaSet Controller, Job Controller, etc. These controllers continuously check whether the cluster's actual state matches the desired state. If there are discrepancies, they take appropriate actions to correct them. For example, the ReplicaSet Controller ensures the number of Pod replicas for a Deployment. If a Pod crashes, it automatically creates a new Pod to replace it.
  • Importance: The Controller Manager's role is to maintain the cluster's self-healing ability. If the state of the cluster changes, such as a node failure or Pod crash, the controller will automatically perform recovery actions.

2.2 Worker Nodes (Worker Nodes)

Worker Nodes are the executors of the Kubernetes cluster, responsible for actually running applications and handling traffic. Each worker node runs several key components to ensure that applications operate normally.


  • Functionality: The Kubelet is the primary agent running on each worker node, responsible for managing and running Pods. The Kubelet gets the configuration of Pods from the API Server and ensures that these Pods are running properly on the node.
  • Working Principle: The Kubelet does not directly manage containers but operates them through the container runtime (such as Docker or containerd). If a Pod encounters issues, the Kubelet attempts to restart its containers to ensure the normal operation of applications.
  • Health Checks: The Kubelet also performs regular health checks to ensure that the Pods on the node are operational and reports the health status back to the control plane.


  • Functionality: Kube-proxy is the networking component of Kubernetes, responsible for managing network communication between nodes to ensure that Pods can communicate with each other and allow external traffic to access the Pods.
  • Working Principle: Kube-proxy maintains the network rules for all services, managing the network connections from services to Pods. It creates network rules on the node to ensure that network traffic is correctly routed to the corresponding Pods.
  • Load Balancing: When a service has multiple Pods, Kube-proxy implements load balancing among these Pods to ensure that traffic is evenly distributed across different Pods.

Container Runtime:

  • Functionality: The container runtime is responsible for actually running the containers. Kubernetes supports multiple container runtimes, including Docker, containerd, and CRI-O.
  • Working Principle: The Kubelet communicates with the container runtime through the Container Runtime Interface (CRI) to instruct it to start or stop containers. The container runtime pulls container images based on Kubelet's commands, creates containers, and runs applications.

2.3 Cooperation Among Core Components

The control plane and worker nodes communicate through the network to ensure the consistency and stability of the entire cluster. Here is the workflow between the core components:

1.Pod Creation Process:

  • Users submit a Pod creation request through the API Server.
  • The API Server records this request in etcd and notifies the Scheduler to schedule.
  • The Scheduler decides which node the Pod will be placed on and feeds the scheduling result back to the API Server.
  • The API Server sends the Pod's configuration information to the Kubelet on the corresponding node, which then starts the container through the container runtime.
  • Kube-proxy configures the corresponding network rules to ensure the newly created Pod can receive traffic.

2.State Synchronization and Repair:

  • The Controller Manager regularly checks whether the actual state of the cluster matches the desired state. If a Pod crashes or a node fails, it notifies the Kubelet through the API Server to create or migrate the Pod.
  • The Kubelet monitors all containers on the node and regularly reports their running status to the API Server. The API Server saves these status updates in etcd.

By understanding the components of Kubernetes' control plane and worker nodes, you can gain a deep insight into how they work together to automate the deployment, scaling, and recovery of applications. This layered architecture gives Kubernetes its strong resilience and scalability, making it a leader in the field of container orchestration.

3. Pod: The Smallest Compute Unit in Kubernetes

A Pod in Kubernetes is the foundational building block, akin to a small boat that can carry one or more containers (i.e., applications). If you wish to manage an application within Kubernetes, it first needs to be packaged into a Pod. Essentially, a Pod is the basic unit in the Kubernetes world, with all applications and services running atop this unit.

3.1 The Secret Weapon of Pods

Though a Pod might seem just a simple carrier for containers, it possesses some powerful features that make it more than just a container group.

Shared IP Address: All containers within a Pod share a single IP address, akin to passengers sharing a boat. They don't need walkie-talkies (network communication) to interact as they are in the same space. This shared network space means that containers can communicate very simply—they can connect through localhost without needing complex network configurations typical of different servers.

Shared Storage: Besides sharing an IP address, all containers within a Pod can also share storage resources. You can think of a Pod as a shared storage space where passengers (containers) can access goods (data) anytime. For instance, files or databases placed in shared storage can be accessed by all containers, which is very useful for running multiple collaborative applications.

Lifecycle Management: The lifecycle of a Pod is highly flexible. It can accommodate multiple containers working together, such as a main application and an auxiliary logging service packaged within the same Pod. Kubernetes also monitors the operation of Pods, and if one container fails, Kubernetes can restart the entire Pod to ensure high application availability.

3.2 Why is Pod the Smallest Unit in Kubernetes?

A Pod is the smallest deployable unit in Kubernetes. What does this mean? Simply put, Kubernetes does not manage individual containers directly; it manages Pods. Each Pod can run one or more containers that must cooperate to complete tasks.

Why not just use a single container?

While a single container can also run applications, it cannot meet the needs of complex applications. For example, if you have a web server and a log collection program that need to work together, you could place them in separate containers, but for efficient cooperation, they need to be in the same Pod to share IP addresses and storage resources, and to synchronize their work.

Pod's Self-Healing Capability

Pod design addresses these scenarios—cooperation between containers, shared resources. Pods provide a shared operational environment for multiple containers, ensuring seamless cooperation and support among them.

3.3 Other Characteristics of Pods

  • Transience: Pods are designed to be ephemeral; they can be rescheduled, destroyed, or restarted for various reasons. Even if a Pod is deleted, Kubernetes can recreate new Pods as needed to maintain high service availability.

  • Non-persistent state: Pods are transient by nature, and if a Pod fails, its internal data is lost. Therefore, in scenarios where data persistence is required, you should store data in external storage (like Persistent Volumes).

4. Deep Dive into Deployment: Ensuring Consistency and Scalability of Pods

If a Pod is like a small boat, a Deployment is like the fleet commander. It not only schedules and manages these boats but can also expand the fleet's size or upgrade it as needed. Through Deployments, Kubernetes ensures your applications always remain in optimal condition, sparing you the hassle of manually managing each small boat.

4.1 The Role of Deployment

A Deployment in Kubernetes is a powerful controller that can manage multiple Pods and offers a range of automated features to easily handle various scenarios.

Consistency Maintenance

One of the key functions of a Deployment is to ensure a consistent number of Pods. If you define that you need three Pods, a Deployment continuously monitors the cluster to always have three active Pods. If a Pod fails, a Deployment automatically starts a new Pod to replace it.

Zero-downtime Updates

Updating applications can be problematic because you don’t want to interrupt the service. Deployments offer "zero-downtime updates" which allow for incremental updates of your applications without stopping the service. They update Pods one at a time, ensuring that even if some Pods fail during the update, others are still working, maintaining uninterrupted service. If an update encounters issues, the Deployment can automatically rollback to the previous stable version.

Automatic Scaling

Sometimes, applications suddenly need to handle more requests, akin to a sudden influx of passengers needing boats. Deployments can quickly "build boats" (start more Pods) to handle the surge in requests. This is the automatic scaling feature, adjusting the number of Pods based on the load, ensuring the application can smoothly manage any situation.

4.2 The Power of Deployment

Deployment makes Kubernetes smarter by providing automated management mechanisms for applications, which significantly reduces the need for manual intervention. Here are some of the powerful features of Deployment:

  1. Automatic Repair
    If you were managing 100 ships (100 Pods) and found one to be malfunctioning, you would normally need to quickly arrange for a new ship to replace it. However, with Deployment, this isn't something you need to worry about. Deployment automatically detects issues with Pods and swiftly creates a new one. The auto-repair functionality ensures that even if individual Pods fail, the overall application continues to operate smoothly.

  2. Rollback Mechanism
    Imagine you've updated your fleet with new equipment only to discover there are issues with the new setup, which could leave you feeling overwhelmed. But with Deployment, there's a rollback mechanism available. If an update fails, you can quickly roll back to the previous stable version, restoring the old equipment, and allowing the fleet to continue operating normally.

  3. Gradual Scaling
    Sometimes, you need to carefully scale your services, such as when testing new features in production, but you don't want to scale too rapidly. Deployment offers rolling updates and scaling features, allowing you to gradually increase or decrease the number of Pods. This ensures that services remain stable throughout the expansion process.

5. Creating a Pod from Scratch

5.1 Steps to Create a Pod

1.Define a Pod

In Kubernetes, you define a Pod's configuration with a YAML file, including details like the container's image, resource requirements, and ports. Here’s a basic example of a Pod YAML file:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: my-first-pod
    app: myapp
    - name: nginx-container
      image: nginx:1.24.0
        - containerPort: 80
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apiVersion: Defines the version of the Kubernetes API used.
kind: Specifies that this is a Pod, indicating that we are creating a Pod.
metadata: The metadata section of the Pod, including its name and labels.
spec: The core section of the Pod, which defines the container information.
containers: Specifies the container name as nginx-container, uses the nginx:1.24.0 image, and exposes port 80.

2.Submit to the Cluster

Once you have defined your Pod with a YAML file, you can submit it to the Kubernetes cluster using the kubectl command:

kubectl apply -f pod-definition.yaml
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This command sends the YAML file content to the API Server, which validates and stores the Pod's definition, then tasks the Scheduler with scheduling.

3.Kubernetes at Work

After you submit your YAML file, Kubernetes kicks into action. A lot happens behind the scenes, which we’ll discuss next.

5.2 What Happens Behind the Scenes?

After you submit your Pod definition, Kubernetes components coordinate to complete the creation and scheduling of the Pod. Let’s break down the role of each component:

1.API Server Receives the Request

First, the kubectl command sends the Pod definition to the API Server via the REST API. The API Server, the heart of the Kubernetes control plane, is responsible for receiving your requests and validating the contents.

2.Scheduler Schedules the Pod

After the API Server saves the Pod definition, the Pod doesn't immediately run but enters a "Pending" state. Now, the Scheduler starts working.

The Scheduler’s job is to :

  • Check Node Resources: It scans all available nodes, checking each node's CPU, memory, and storage resources.
  • Select the Suitable Node: Based on the Pod’s resource requests and the nodes' resource statuses, the Scheduler picks the best node for the Pod. For instance, suppose there are three worker nodes:
  • Node A: High CPU load
  • Node B: Insufficient memory
  • Node C: Ample resources The Scheduler would likely choose Node C to run the Pod.

3.Kubelet Takes Over and Starts the Pod

Once the Scheduler decides which node will run the Pod, it notifies the Kubelet on that node. The Kubelet, running on every worker node, is responsible for actually managing the Pod's lifecycle.

The Kubelet’s tasks include:

  • Pulling Images: The Kubelet checks the Pod definition for the specified container image (e.g., nginx:1.24.0). If the image isn’t already on the node, it pulls it from an image registry like Docker Hub.
  • Starting the Container: After the image is pulled, the Kubelet uses the container runtime (e.g., Docker or containerd) to start the container.
  • Health Checks: The Kubelet also performs health checks on the running containers. If a container fails, it tries to restart it to keep the application running smoothly.

4.CNI Configures Networking

When a Pod starts on a node, Kubernetes also needs to configure networking for the Pod. Kubernetes uses a CNI (Container Network Interface) plugin to accomplish this.

The CNI plugin's tasks include:

  • Assigning IP Addresses: Assigning a unique IP address to each Pod, allowing each Pod to communicate with others via IP.
  • Setting Up Network Rules: Ensuring that the Pod can access other services within the cluster and adhering to the cluster’s network policies.

5.Kube-proxy Manages Service Discovery and Load Balancing

Once the Pod is up and running, Kubernetes’ kube-proxy component takes charge of setting up network rules, ensuring the Pod can communicate externally. Its main tasks are:

  • Load Balancing: Kube-proxy distributes traffic according to the service’s configuration, evenly spreading traffic across the available Pods.
  • Service Discovery: Kube-proxy updates iptables or IPVS rules to ensure external clients or other Pods can access the target Pod through a service.

6.Controller Manager Monitors and Maintains the Pod

Kubernetes' Controller Manager is responsible for ensuring the cluster state matches the desired state. For example, if a Pod terminates due to node failure, the Controller Manager, according to the Deployment's definition, recreates a new Pod replica.

The entire process summarized:

  • 1.API Server receives and validates the Pod definition.
  • 2.Scheduler decides which worker node will host the Pod.
  • 3.Kubelet on the chosen node starts the Pod’s container.
  • 4.CNI plugin configures networking and assigns an IP address.
  • 5.Kube-proxy handles service discovery and load balancing, ensuring the Pod can operate normally.
  • 6.Controller Manager continuously monitors the Pod's state and adjusts as needed. Through the cooperation of these components, Kubernetes manages and schedules Pods efficiently within the cluster, ensuring stable and reliable application operations.

6. Creating a Deployment from Scratch

While creating a Pod directly is a basic operation in Kubernetes, in most real-world scenarios, Deployments are used to manage Pods. Deployments provide advanced features such as fault recovery, rolling updates, load balancing, and scaling of replicas, making them a central method of managing clusters in Kubernetes.

6.1 Steps to Create a Deployment

1.Define Deployment

Creating a Deployment also involves defining it in a YAML file. Unlike a Pod, a Deployment needs to describe more, such as how many Pod replicas to start, how updates should be carried out, and what strategy to choose.

Here is a basic example of a Deployment YAML file, nginx-deployment.yaml:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: nginx-deployment
    app: nginx
  replicas: 3  # Specifies the number of Pod replicas to run
      app: nginx
        app: nginx
      - name: nginx
        image: nginx:1.24.0
        - containerPort: 80
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  • apiVersion: apps/v1 is the API version used by Deployment.
  • kind: Specified as Deployment.
  • metadata: Defines the name and labels for the Deployment.
  • spec: Specific details about the Deployment.
    • replicas: Specifies the number of Pod replicas to start, set here to 3.
    • selector: Defines the labels that match the Pods, ensuring the Deployment manages only specific Pods.
    • template: The template for the Pods managed by the Deployment, almost identical to a direct Pod creation YAML file, specifying the container image and port.

2.Submit to the Cluster

Use the command kubectl apply -f nginx-deployment.yaml to submit the Deployment YAML file to the Kubernetes cluster:

kubectl apply -f nginx-deployment.yaml
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This command submits the definition of the Deployment to the API Server, which is responsible for validating and saving the Deployment definition.

3.Check the Results

Use the following commands to view the status of the Deployment and Pods:

kubectl get deployments
kubectl get pods
kubectl describe deployment nginx-deployment
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These commands allow you to view the operation of the Deployment and the Pods it manages. You can see that Kubernetes will start multiple replicas, and it automatically manages the state of these Pods.

6.2 How Does Deployment Manage Pods?

After a Deployment is created, Kubernetes generates the corresponding number of Pod replicas and manages their lifecycle through the Deployment. If one of the Pods fails, Deployment will immediately launch a new Pod replica to replace the failed one, ensuring high availability of the application.

The Inner Workings of Deployment

The main difference between creating a Deployment and creating a Pod is that Deployment not only creates Pods but also manages their lifecycle. It uses a ReplicaSet to ensure a consistent number of Pods, which is a controller in Kubernetes used to maintain the availability of a certain number of Pod replicas.

Let's look at the specific backstage operation process:

1.API Server Receives Deployment Definition

When you submit a Deployment definition, the API Server is responsible for validating the syntax and configuration of the Deployment file and then saves it to the etcd database.

2.Controller Manager Creates ReplicaSet

The API Server calls Kubernetes' Controller Manager to create a ReplicaSet. The ReplicaSet is a controller responsible for maintaining the required number of Pod replicas. The ReplicaSet itself is managed by the Deployment, which tells it how many Pod replicas to start.
Tasks of the ReplicaSet include:

  • Monitoring Pod Replica Numbers: It ensures that the specified number of Pods are always running in the system. For example, if the Deployment requires three replicas, the ReplicaSet checks if the actual number meets the requirement.
  • Creating New Pods: If a Pod fails or more replicas are needed, the ReplicaSet will create new Pods.

3.Scheduler Schedules Pods

The ReplicaSet is responsible for creating Pods, but these Pods ultimately need to be scheduled to appropriate nodes by Kubernetes' Scheduler. The Scheduler selects the most suitable node to run the Pods based on the resource conditions of the nodes.

4.Kubelet Starts Pods

Once the Scheduler has determined the node, the Kubelet on that node is responsible for starting the new Pods. Kubelet works with the container runtime (such as Docker or containerd) to pull the container images and start the containers.

5.Automatic Failure Recovery

If a Pod fails for some reason, Kubelet will report the status of the Pod to the Controller Manager. If the ReplicaSet detects that the number of replicas is insufficient, it immediately creates a new Pod to ensure the total number of replicas meets the Deployment's requirements. This is how Deployment's automatic failure recovery works.

6.Rolling Updates

Deployment also supports rolling updates, which is a powerful feature. Rolling updates allow you to upgrade container images without affecting the normal operation of the application. For example, if you want to update from nginx:1.24.0 to nginx:1.19, Deployment will gradually replace the old Pods without stopping all Pods at once. This method ensures high availability of the application.

Rolling updates can be performed with the following command:

kubectl set image deployment/nginx-deployment nginx=nginx:1.19
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At this point, Deployment will start new Pod replicas and, once the new Pods are running normally, terminate the old Pods. This process is gradual and does not cause service interruptions.

6.3 Main Differences Between Deployment and Pods

You can think of a Pod as an ordinary "worker" who does what you tell him to do. But if this worker has a problem, like getting "too tired," then you have to personally "re-hire" a worker to replace him. If you have to hire several workers, then you have to arrange each worker yourself, which can feel a bit troublesome.

That's when Deployment acts like a "foreman." It manages a group of workers (Pods) and directs how they work. If a worker "skips work," Deployment automatically finds a new worker to fill in. It can also increase or decrease the number of workers based on the workload. This is the strength of Deployment!


1.Management Capability

  • Pods are like "workers" who cannot fix problems themselves or add "companions."
  • Deployment is the "foreman," managing the team of workers through the "Replica Controller" (ReplicaSet). It can automatically fix faults, increase the number of workers, and even upgrade their tools.

2.Automated Operations

  • If a Pod goes down, as the boss, you must personally "re-hire" one.
  • If you use Deployment, it automatically handles these tasks, replacing faulty Pods as needed, and you just need to sit back and relax.

3.Rolling Updates

Imagine you need to issue new tools to your workers. If you replace all the workers' tools at once, it might cause work to stop. Here, Deployment would replace the tools one by one, ensuring all workers can continue working without stopping.


Pod is the smallest execution unit in Kubernetes, while Deployment is the management layer for Pods, capable of automatic scaling, failure recovery, and rolling updates. Managing Pods with Deployment is like having a smart foreman to handle all the menial tasks, keeping your system stable.

This way, you no longer have to worry about managing each Pod; Deployment ensures everything goes smoothly!

7. Collaboration Between Pods and Deployment: From Single Pod to Large-Scale Deployment

To understand the cooperation between Pods and Deployment, you can think of them as the small boats and the commander in a fleet. A Pod is like a small boat, capable of carrying out specific tasks, while a Deployment is like the fleet's commander, responsible for managing all the boats, ensuring they operate according to plan and respond quickly in case of issues.

7.1 From Single Pod to Large-Scale Cluster

Small-Scale Applications: One Boat Does the Job

In some simple scenarios, such as when you want to quickly test an application or deploy some basic services, one Pod may be sufficient. A Pod, the smallest compute unit in Kubernetes, encapsulates containers, storage, and networking resources, allowing your application to operate normally. In this scenario, you might not need a complex deployment, just a single Pod running on a node.

Example: Suppose you want to run an Nginx container as a web server. The simplest operation would be to create a Pod containing the Nginx container, like this:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: nginx-pod
  - name: nginx
    image: nginx:1.24.0
    - containerPort: 80
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This YAML file defines a Pod that will start an Nginx container listening on port 80. The Pod is like a small boat, carrying out its tasks independently.

Large-Scale Applications: Summon the Fleet!

However, in reality, most applications will not rely on a single Pod. Imagine your application suddenly attracts thousands of users. Clearly, one small boat isn't enough to handle the demand. That’s where you need more boats—more Pods. And that's where Deployments come into play.

Deployments allow you to specify the number of Pods you need and automatically manage their lifecycle. Whether you need 5, 50, or even 500 Pods, Deployments can quickly and automatically distribute these Pods across multiple nodes, enabling large-scale deployments.

Through Deployments, you can manage a vast fleet of boats (Pods) as easily as managing a single one.

7.2 How Do Pods and Deployment Work Together?

Pods and Deployments are inseparable parts of Kubernetes. Simply put, Pods are the basic execution units, and Deployments are the command systems that manage these Pods. The relationship between them is similar to that between soldiers and their commander:

Pods: The Soldiers, executing tasks

Pods themselves do not possess auto-recovery or scaling capabilities. They run one or more containers, handling specific tasks such as responding to user requests, processing data, or performing computations. Pods are the foundational compute units in Kubernetes, but they have short lifecycles and are susceptible to hardware or network issues.

Deployments: The Commanders, ensuring consistency and high availability

Deployments manage the lifecycle of Pods, ensuring all Pods are always running healthily. If a Pod fails, a Deployment quickly starts a new Pod to replace it. This way, you don’t need to worry about individual Pod failures leading to service interruptions. Deployments also make it easy to scale your application—for instance, scaling from 3 Pods to 30—just by changing the number of replicas in the YAML file.


You want to run 5 Nginx web servers and ensure they are always online using a Deployment. Here’s how you might define a Deployment file for this purpose:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: nginx-deployment
  replicas: 5
      app: nginx
        app: nginx
      - name: nginx
        image: nginx:1.24.0
        - containerPort: 80
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What happens behind the scenes?

  1. The API Server first receives your Deployment definition and stores it in the etcd database.
  2. The Controller Manager checks for a matching ReplicaSet for the Deployment. If it doesn’t exist, it creates one.
  3. The ReplicaSet, a controller created by the Deployment, ensures a specified number of Pods are always running. If you defined 5 replicas, the ReplicaSet checks the actual count and acts accordingly.
  4. The Scheduler decides on which nodes to place these Pods and notifies the nodes' Kubelet.
  5. The Kubelet on these nodes starts the Pods, pulling the Nginx container image, and launching the service. Deployments monitor all Pod operations and immediately start a new Pod if one fails, maintaining high availability for your web service.

The collaboration between Pods and Deployments ensures efficient deployments, safeguarding smooth and effective operations.

8. Behind the Scenes: How Kubernetes Schedules and Manages Resources

In the world of Kubernetes, scheduling and resource management are at the core of its efficient operations. Imagine it as a super-intelligent “traffic director” and “resource manager” who is busy sending hundreds of Pods to the most suitable nodes to “work” every day. Moreover, it not only ensures every Pod finds a “home” but also makes sure every server's resources are neither wasted nor overused. How does this sophisticated mechanism operate behind the scenes in Kubernetes? Let’s dive deeper!

8.1 The Scheduler's Work

The Scheduler in Kubernetes is specifically responsible for placing each Pod onto an appropriate node for execution. Its task is akin to that of a restaurant’s host who not only checks which tables are available but also considers if the guests have special needs (like a preference for a window seat or a specific menu).

During the scheduling process, the Scheduler considers many factors:

Node Resource Status

The Scheduler first examines the resources available on each node, such as CPU, memory, and storage space. If a node is already under heavy load, it wouldn’t schedule new Pods there but would opt for a freer node.

For example, if your Pod needs 2 CPU cores and 1 GB of memory to operate, the Scheduler would look for a node with these resources available to prevent the Pod from crashing due to a lack of resources.

Pod Requirements

Some Pods may have specific needs, like running on a node with a GPU or accessing a particular type of storage. The Scheduler filters through nodes to find a fit based on these needs.

For instance, if you have a machine learning task that requires GPU acceleration, the Scheduler will allocate this Pod to a node equipped with GPUs, not just any node.

Node Labels and Taints

Nodes in Kubernetes can be tagged with various labels or configured with taints to differentiate their functions or uses. The Scheduler can decide whether to place certain Pods on these specialized nodes based on the Pods’ definitions, using affinity rules and tolerances.

For example, you might have high-performance computing tasks that are only allowed on nodes labeled "high-performance." The Scheduler would specifically seek out these nodes to place your Pods.

What Happens Behind the Scenes:

  1. API Server receives your Pod creation request and stores the Pod information in etcd.
  2. The Scheduler activates, scanning all nodes’ resource statuses and each Pod’s requirements, filtering for suitable nodes.
  3. Once a suitable node is found, the Scheduler assigns this node to the Pod and notifies the node’s Kubelet to start the Pod.

Through this process, the Scheduler ensures that each Pod finds a suitable node to run on, balancing the load across the cluster’s nodes to prevent resource wastage or overuse.

8.2 Resource Management

Kubernetes' resource management capabilities are incredibly sophisticated. It not only considers resources during scheduling but can also dynamically adjust the resource allocations of Pods during operation to ensure stability and efficiency.

Resource Limits and Requests

In Kubernetes, each container in a Pod can have its resource requests and limits set. These parameters are like the “menu” a restaurant guest orders from, indicating how much CPU and memory a Pod needs to operate normally, and also setting the maximum resources it can use.

Resource Requests: These specify the minimum resources a container needs. If a Pod’s container requests 500m (0.5 of a CPU core) and 200Mi of memory, the Scheduler ensures that the node assigned to it has at least this amount of resources available.
Resource Limits: These define the maximum resources a container can use. If set to 1 CPU core and 500Mi of memory, even if the container wants more, Kubernetes will not allow it to consume beyond these limits, preventing resource wastage and "resource hogging" by one Pod over others.

Dynamic Resource Adjustment

Kubernetes can also adjust the number of Pods and their resource allocations dynamically based on current resource usage in the cluster. This is mainly done through Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) and Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA).

HPA (Horizontal Pod Autoscaler)
Suppose your application suddenly experiences a surge in traffic. The HPA can detect an increase in the CPU or memory usage of Pods and automatically expand more Pods to handle the increased workload. Conversely, when the traffic decreases, the HPA also reduces the number of Pods, conserving resources.

For example, if your application usually needs only 2 Pods but suddenly requires transporting 100 passengers, the HPA can quickly increase the number of vessels, expanding to 5, 10, or more Pods to handle the demand. After the peak period, it also automatically reduces the number of vessels to avoid wasting resources.

VPA (Vertical Pod Autoscaler)
The VPA monitors the resource usage of individual Pods. If a Pod consistently exceeds its limits, the VPA can adjust the Pod’s resource requests and limits to better fit its actual needs.

For example, if a Pod’s CPU usage continuously exceeds expectations, the VPA can automatically adjust the Pod’s resource limits, increasing from 1 CPU core to 2.

Node Resource Utilization Management

When the resources of a particular node are nearly depleted, Kubernetes stops scheduling new Pods to that node and looks for other nodes to take on new tasks. Additionally, Kubernetes can also release resources through the resource eviction mechanism. For example, if a node is running low on memory, Kubernetes may evict some memory-intensive Pods to ensure critical tasks can continue running.

Through these scheduling and resource management mechanisms, Kubernetes achieves efficient utilization and automated management of resources. Whether your cluster is a small testing environment or needs to manage thousands of Pods in a production setting, Kubernetes can intelligently schedule and manage resources, ensuring your applications run smoothly and efficiently.

9. Common Issues and Optimization Suggestions

On the journey to mastering Kubernetes, you might encounter various strange phenomena and issues. Sometimes Pods don't start, and sometimes they "mysteriously" crash. Don't panic! It's like learning to ride a bike; you're bound to fall a few times. But once you understand the reasons behind common issues and some optimization tips, you can smoothly harness Kubernetes' powerful capabilities. Let's look at common problems and some practical optimization suggestions.

9.1 Common Issues

Pods Not Starting

This is a frequent issue for beginners. Pods failing to start can have multiple causes, the most common being insufficient resources or configuration errors.

  • Reason 1: Insufficient Resources Kubernetes' scheduler may not find a node with enough resources to run your Pod. If all nodes' CPU or memory are exhausted, the Pod will remain in a Pending state instead of starting successfully.

Solution: You can check detailed error messages with kubectl describe pod . If it's a resource issue, you might need to expand your cluster's nodes or reduce the resource requests of your Pods.

  • Reason 2: Image Pull Failures If Kubernetes cannot pull your application image from the image repository, your Pod won’t start. This is often due to an incorrect image name or unstable network connection.

Solution: Verify that the image address in your YAML file is correct and that your nodes can access the image repository (especially if you're using a private repository). You can see image pull logs with kubectl describe pod .

Pods Unable to Access External Services

If your Pods need to access external services (like a database or a third-party API) but consistently fail to connect, it’s likely a network policy configuration issue.

  • Reason: Incorrect Network Policies or Service Configuration Issues Kubernetes provides flexible network policies that allow you to control which external services or internal resources Pods can communicate with. If these policies are configured incorrectly, your Pods might be blocked from accessing external services.

  • Solution: Review your network policy configurations to ensure they aren't preventing your Pods from accessing external services. Also, check your Service configurations to ensure Pods can connect to external services using the correct DNS names or IP addresses.

Pods Constantly Restarting

If a Pod is continually in a CrashLoopBackOff state, it's typically because the application is encountering errors during startup, or because the probes are misconfigured, leading Kubernetes to believe the Pod is unhealthy and thus restarting it continuously.

  • Reason: Misconfigured Health Check Probes Kubernetes uses Liveness Probes and Readiness Probes to determine if a Pod is healthy. If these probes are not configured properly, the Pod may be mistakenly marked as unhealthy soon after startup, leading to frequent restarts.

  • Solution: Carefully review your probe configurations to ensure that the Liveness and Readiness Probes have reasonable intervals and are not checking the application status too soon or too late. You can see the results of probe executions with kubectl describe pod .

9.2 Optimization Suggestions

Now let's look at how to prevent these issues and optimize your Kubernetes cluster for smoother operations.

Use HPA (Horizontal Pod Autoscaler)

If your application occasionally faces high loads (like a surge in traffic), manually scaling the number of Pods isn't practical. This is where Kubernetes' Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) can be very useful. It monitors the resource usage of Pods and automatically adjusts the number of Pods based on the load.

What is HPA?
HPA monitors each Pod's resource usage and adjusts the number of Pods automatically based on resource usage exceeding or falling below certain thresholds.

Optimization Suggestion:
Set appropriate scaling rules, such as automatically increasing the number of Pods when CPU usage exceeds 70%. If the traffic decreases, the number of Pods will also be automatically reduced to save resources.

apiVersion: autoscaling/v1
kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
  name: my-hpa
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
    name: my-deployment
  minReplicas: 2
  maxReplicas: 10
  targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 70
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The above configuration means that when the CPU usage of a Pod exceeds 70%, Kubernetes will automatically scale between 2 and 10 replicas.

Properly Configure Probes

Health check probes (Probes) are essential for ensuring your applications run reliably. Properly configured probes can greatly increase application stability. If the probes are configured incorrectly, they can lead to frequent Pod restarts or incorrectly mark healthy Pods as unhealthy.

Optimization Suggestion:

Configure appropriate Liveness and Readiness Probes for each Pod. Liveness Probes ensure the application process hasn't hung, and Readiness Probes ensure the application is ready to handle requests.

Liveness Probe Example:

    path: /healthz
    port: 8080
  initialDelaySeconds: 10
  periodSeconds: 5
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This probe will start checking the /healthz path 10 seconds after the Pod starts. If it doesn’t respond within 5 seconds, Kubernetes will consider the Pod as having issues and will restart it.

Logging and Monitoring

In Kubernetes, logs and monitoring are key tools for troubleshooting and optimizing performance. Whether it's Pod crashes or network delays, logs and monitoring can help you quickly identify the root cause of issues.

  • Logs: Use the kubectl logs command to view Pod logs. If you're running multiple replicas, consider using a centralized log management tool like ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) or Fluentd.

  • Monitoring: Kubernetes supports monitoring systems like Prometheus, which can help you monitor various aspects of your cluster from CPU and memory usage to network traffic. With monitoring dashboards like Grafana, you can easily check the health of your cluster.

  • Optimization Suggestion: Set up alerting rules, such as triggering an alert when CPU usage exceeds 80% or when the number of Pods increases unexpectedly.

By mastering these common issues and optimization techniques, you can avoid many of the pitfalls that beginners encounter and ensure your Kubernetes cluster runs more efficiently and stably. Kubernetes is no longer a mysterious black box; it's a powerful tool that, once you understand its scheduling and resource management mechanisms, you can easily manage.

10. Conclusion and Outlook

Kubernetes has become the leader in the field of container orchestration. It's not just a tool but more like the "commander" of your applications, directing components like Pods and Deployments to work efficiently together. Whether you're a developer or an operations engineer, Kubernetes can help you easily manage everything from small-scale experimental projects to large-scale production applications.

Through this article, we've delved into the core components of Kubernetes, the process of creating Pods and Deployments, and how Kubernetes efficiently schedules and manages resources. Kubernetes may seem complex at first, but as you spend more time with it, you'll appreciate its ingenious and flexible design, which solves many of the tough problems in modern application deployment.

10.1 The Power of Kubernetes

Kubernetes is so popular because it addresses many pain points of modern applications. For instance:

  • Automatic Scaling: Kubernetes can scale the number of application instances automatically based on traffic fluctuations. You don't need to manually adjust resource allocations; Kubernetes does it for you.
  • Self-healing: When a Pod or node fails, Kubernetes automatically detects and reschedules containers, maintaining high service availability.
  • Flexible Deployment Strategies: With advanced resources like Deployments and StatefulSets, you can control how your applications are upgraded, rolled back, etc., reducing downtime and ensuring stability.

Kubernetes helps you shift focus away from tedious operational work and focus more on the application itself.

10.2 Future Developments

Kubernetes is still evolving. It's not only a powerful tool but is also becoming more intelligent and automated. You can look forward to Kubernetes continuing to improve in several areas:

  • Smarter Resource Management: Future Kubernetes versions will handle resource scheduling even more intelligently, possibly even predicting traffic peaks and preparing resources in advance. You won't need to manually intervene as Kubernetes will handle many operational challenges for you.
  • Advanced Fault Recovery Mechanisms: Although Kubernetes already has self-healing capabilities, future improvements might make fault recovery even quicker and more accurate, reducing the likelihood of service interruptions.
  • Enhanced Security: As Kubernetes becomes more widespread, security is becoming a focal point. In the future, you'll see more built-in security tools that help you manage container and cluster security easily, preventing potential attacks and data breaches.

10.3 The Future of Kubernetes Belongs to You!

Whether you are new to Kubernetes or have already mastered this platform, Kubernetes will continue to evolve and provide flexible, efficient solutions to the complexities of modern applications.

  • For Newcomers: Kubernetes might seem complex initially, but don't worry! It has an active community and a wealth of resources—from documentation to tutorials—that you can easily access. You'll find that its design is meant to simplify your operations and development processes.

  • For Veterans: Kubernetes is becoming more intelligent and automated. In the future, you'll see more features about automatic scaling, intelligent scheduling, and security protections, all of which will enhance your ability to manage large-scale applications.

In summary, Kubernetes is a platform worth diving deep into. Whether you're managing a simple small project or building complex distributed systems, it provides strong support. We welcome you to join the Kubernetes community to explore its endless possibilities.

With Kubernetes at your side, you can comfortably meet the challenges of future tech trends. Embrace Kubernetes and face the future's challenges with confidence!

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