DEV Community

Hashir Afzal
Hashir Afzal

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10 FREE Udemy courses on web development you will regret not taking

10 FREE Udemy courses on web development you will regret not taking:

1. Foundations of Front-End Web Development

Learn the skills to quickly start a career in Front-End Development today!

2. JavaScript Essentials

Learn how JavaScript works, some basic APIs, and finally create a mini project.

3. Advanced and Object-Oriented JavaScript and ES6

Master the internals of JavaScript and use it more effectively.

4. JavaScript DOM Dynamic Web

This course will show you how to master JavaScript and learn dynamic web design using JavaScript.

5. Build a Quiz App with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Learn how to build a quiz application without the assistance of libraries or frameworks.

6. React vs Angular vs Vue.js

With all of the various JavaScript libraries and frameworks, decide for yourself which one you like the best.

7. React JS Frontend Web Development for Beginners

Learn React JS along with modern JavaScript from absolute scratch.

8. Your custom React component

Create your custom reusable React component with Webpack and Storybook.

9. React with Redux, React-Router, Hooks and Auth0

Learn the complete React-Redux front end system.

10. Intro to Node JS & Express

Start your full-stack developer career by learning the popular Javascript web framework.

That's a wrap!

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