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SQL concepts from A to Z

Helen Anderson on February 06, 2019

It's time for some jargon-busting. A big part of my role is to onboard and support junior data analysts. Many have just started using SQL, have co...
rhymes profile image

Great "SQL vocabulary" you have here. Also, thanks for quoting me!

Stay tuned for a post dedicated to a deep dive on this topic

Can't wait, window functions are my favorite "modern SQL" feature and I think many devs don't know how much they are missing :D I wanted to write about them eventually but it would definitely be better if you do it!

helenanders26 profile image
Helen Anderson

Thanks rhymes

You had such a perfect explanation I had to include it :)

luckyarthas profile image

Wonderful topic.

There was a spark in my head.
I have an lack of knowledge with relational and non-relational database. In some cases, please post about what can I choose and why it is convenient.
Thanks a lot. ( 💝 I will follow you all the time 💝 )

buinauskas profile image
Evaldas Buinauskas

A foreign key is a column that matches a primary key in another table so we can join the data in each together.

This is partially true. Foreign keys can also reference unique (alternate) keys. 👌

Also foreign key is not required to join data. It just enforces integrity. But you know that 😊

toddtoddowens profile image
Todd M Owens

Kudos. This is sorely needed and fairly well done. My only real critique is there is not enough context or priority for each entry. But I understand there is a trade-off.

Now for my not serious critique, if you non-American anglophones could only learn:

  1. to use a "z" in words like "normalize"; show "z" some love.
  2. to not overuse "u" and make words like "favor" and "color" too long.
  3. stop doubling consonants in unaccented terminal syllables; it's "modeling" not "modelling".
srinidhi profile image

Excellent compilation

pubudusj profile image
Pubudu Jayawardana

OMG This is gold 😍

hottabxp profile image
Sergey • Edited

Thank you! Can this be applied to sqlite3? I am using python3 with sqlite3.

jamesmh profile image
James Hickey

Fantastic! I'm looking forward to the upcoming query plan and window function posts 👌

helenanders26 profile image
Helen Anderson

Thanks for your encouragement James :D

williamxlr profile image

Really nice this post, thank you for sharing it!

savvinovan profile image
Alexandr Savvinov

thank you, great article.
I can't find article about 'Year'

maeve70 profile image

Thank you for this article, it's very helpful!
I especially liked the CTE vs. subqueries section. My brain works better with CTEs.

helenanders26 profile image
Helen Anderson

Thank you! Glad you found it useful.

brunotdantas profile image
Bruno Dantas

What a great article, congratz =)

bhatnagaranshika02 profile image
Anshika Bhatnagar

This was needed.. Thank you ma'am..

helenanders26 profile image
Helen Anderson

You're very welcome

manuelbrs profile image
Juan Manuel Bello

Thank you, this article is useful. 👍🏽