What we built
BorrowMyProducts application helps people to rent/lend the products around them in this COVID-19 crucial time.
Category Submission
- COVID-19 Communications
Link to code
How it works
- Simple UI to show the products available near a userβs location.
- Provision to add the products that someone is willing to lend.
- Provision to notify the product owner when someone requests to borrow their product.
- Provision to notify the borrower when the owner accepts his product request.
- SMS notification through Twilio SMS api.
- Inventory management to keep track of user rentals.
Tech Stack
- Frontend: Html , CSS , JavaScript , BootStrap, Thymeleaf
- Backend: Spring Boot , JPA ,Database(H2)
- Notifications: Twilio SMS API
- Location : Google Maps API
Future Enhancement
- Feature to set range(distance) to look for products.
- In-app chat feature.
- User rating feature.
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