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Henry Pham
Henry Pham

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Build a DAO Smart Contract in Algorand using Beaker #1

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) have gained significant attention in the blockchain space for their ability to facilitate decentralized decision-making and governance. Algorand, a blockchain platform known for its speed and security, offers a powerful environment for creating smart contracts, including DAOs. In this article, we'll walk through a sample DAO smart contract written in PyTeal, the smart contract language for Algorand. We'll explain each part of the contract and how it works.

Step 1: Declare Variables and Initialize the Application

In this first section, we declare the necessary variables and initialize the application state.

from beaker import *
from pyteal import *

from import BoxMapping
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Define a data structure for a proposal

class proposalStruct(abi.NamedTuple):
description: abi.Field[abi.String]
vote_yes: abi.Field[abi.Uint64]
vote_no: abi.Field[abi.Uint64]
status: abi.Field[abi.String]
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Define the smart contract's application state

class AppStateValue:
    memberCount = GlobalStateValue(
        descr="Number Member of DAO",

    proposalCount = GlobalStateValue(
        descr="Number of Proposals"

    memberDAO = LocalStateValue(
        descr="Member DAO or not",

    check_voted = ReservedLocalStateValue(
        descr=("Check if a user voted in a proposal"),

    proposals = BoxMapping(abi.Uint64, proposalStruct)
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Create an Algorand application called "Simple DAO" with the defined state

app = (
    Application("Simple DAO", state=AppStateValue())
    .apply(unconditional_create_approval, initialize_global_state=True)
    .apply(unconditional_opt_in_approval, initialize_local_state=True)
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  • We declare a data structure proposalStruct to represent a proposal, which includes a description, vote counts (yes and no), and a status field.
  • The AppStateValue class defines the global and local state variables required for the DAO. It includes the number of members, the number of proposals, member status, a reserved local state value to check if a user voted, and a mapping to store proposals.
  • We create an Algorand application named "Simple DAO" with the defined state.

Step 2: Join and Leave the DAO

Next, we define functions for joining and leaving the DAO.

Check member DAO status

def check_member_dao(*, output: abi.Uint64) -> Expr:
    return output.set(app.state.memberDAO[Txn.sender()])
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Join the DAO

def join_dao() -> Expr:
    return Seq(
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Leave the DAO

def leave_dao() -> Expr:
    return Seq(
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  • check_member_dao: This function checks if the sender is a member of the DAO. If they are, it sets the output to 1; otherwise, it sets it to 0.
  • join_dao: This function allows a user to join the DAO. It sets their DAO membership status to 1 and increments the member count.
  • leave_dao: This function lets a user leave the DAO. It sets their DAO membership status to 0 and decrements the member count.

Step 3: Create Proposals

We define a function to create proposals in the DAO.

Create Proposal

def create_proposal(descr: abi.String, *, output: proposalStruct) -> Expr:
    proposal_tuple = proposalStruct()
    proposalId = abi.Uint64()
    vote_yes = abi.Uint64()
    vote_no = abi.Uint64()
    status = abi.String()
    return Seq(
        status.set("In Progress"),
        proposal_tuple.set(descr, vote_yes, vote_no, status),
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  • The create_proposal function allows a user to create a new proposal. It initializes vote counts, sets the status to "In Progress," and stores the proposal in the contract's state. The proposal's details and status are stored in the output variable.

Step 4: Check and End Proposals

We define functions to check the status of proposals and end proposals when certain conditions are met.

Check Proposal

def check_proposal(proposalId: abi.Uint64, *, output: proposalStruct) -> Expr:
    return app.state.proposals[proposalId].store_into(output)
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End Proposal when total vote > 1/2 member Count

def end_proposal(proposalId: abi.Uint64, *, output: abi.String) -> Expr:
    proposal = proposalStruct()
    description = abi.String()
    vote_yes = abi.Uint64()
    vote_no = abi.Uint64()
    status = abi.String()
    new_status = abi.String()

    total_dao_member = app.state.memberCount.get()

    if status != "In Progress":
        return output.set("Proposal Ended")

    if 2 * (vote_yes + vote_no) < total_dao_member:
        return output.set("Not enough votes")

    if vote_yes < vote_no:
        return Seq(
            output.set("Proposal failed"),
            new_status.set("Proposal failed"),
            proposal.set(description, vote_yes, vote_no, new_status),

    return Seq(
        output.set("Proposal succeeded"),
        new_status.set("Proposal succeeded"),
        proposal.set(description, vote_yes, vote_no, new_status),
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  • check_proposal: This function allows users to check the details of a specific proposal.
  • end_proposal: Users can end a proposal using this function if it has received enough votes. The function checks the vote counts and the total number of DAO members to determine if a proposal passes or fails.

Step 5: Check Voted and Vote on Proposals

We define functions to check if a user has voted and to cast votes on proposals.

def check_voted(proposalId: abi.Uint64, *, output: abi.Uint64) -> Expr:
    return output.set(app.state.check_voted[proposalId])
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Vote Function

def vote(proposalId: abi.Uint64, vote_choice: abi.Uint8, *, output: abi.String) -> Expr:
    proposal = proposalStruct()
    description = abi.String()
    vote_yes = abi.Uint64()
    vote_no = abi.Uint64()
    status = abi.String()
    return Seq(
        If(vote_choice.get() == Int(1))
            vote_yes.set(vote_yes.get() + Int(1)),
            vote_no.set(vote_no.get() + Int(1)),
        proposal.set(description, vote_yes, vote_no, status),
        output.set("Vote Successfully"),
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  • check_voted: This function allows users to check if they have already voted on a specific proposal.
  • vote: Users can cast their votes on proposals using this function. It increments the vote counts accordingly and updates the proposal's status.

Now, you have a complete step-by-step guide to building and interacting with the DAO smart contract on Algorand. You can opt-in to the contract, join the DAO, create and vote on proposals, check the status of proposals, and more, based on your use case.


  • Check only users who have joined the DAO can create proposals and vote.
  • Check that users can only vote once.
  • How to deploy and interact with dAppflow.

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