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Flutter Vs React Native. Which one to choose in 2023?

Muhammad Uzair on April 01, 2023

⚛️What is React Native? React Native is a framework that combines the best parts of native development with React to build user inte...
alkadohs profile image
Alkado heneliko

I think people should build an App depending to their favorite language.
There's a couple of languages to choose out there, Java, kotlin,swift,Js,Dart, python etc
If you find one these is your favorite language then stick with that and you should be able to build awesome Apps.

If you try to consider weaknesses of the language, every language has weaknesses and you will find yourself at a crossroads and you don't know where to go because every place you will be told there are weaknesses.

Stick with your favorite language, build some apps until you see the weaknesses that people says.
Other than that, you'll fall into tutorial hell

subrat611 profile image
Subrat kumar jena

💯 Correct

For a web developer it is easy to choose react native because of javascript and react.

But those who are new to android and want to build application for Android or cross platform then can directly pick flutter over react native.

heyitsuzair profile image
Muhammad Uzair

Exactly 🚀

heyitsuzair profile image
Muhammad Uzair

Appreciated ❤️

cjsmocjsmo profile image
Charlie J Smotherman

flutter has been broken on arm64 for the past 4 months

cjsmocjsmo profile image
Charlie J Smotherman

As a follow up, with this version of flutter :

Channel master, 3.11.0-18.0.pre.6, on Ubuntu 23.04 6.2.0-1004-raspi

my flutter projects once again build on the RPI 4 (arm64).

Happy Coding

heyitsuzair profile image
Muhammad Uzair

Yes, thats horrible. Hopefully they would get it fixed soon 🐛

Sloan, the sloth mascot
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cjsmocjsmo profile image
Charlie J Smotherman

Dmitry A. thank you for your kind word.

Let's talk facts shall we.


  1. git clone
  2. ./flutter/bin/flutter create hello
  3. cd hello
  4. ../flutter/bin/flutter run -v

Produces this:

ShaderCompilerException: ShaderCompilerException: Shader compilation of "/home/pipi/snap/flutter/common/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/material/shaders/ink_sparkle.frag" to "build/flutter_assets/shaders/ink_sparkle.frag" failed with exit code 1.

So yes it is a fact (as stated in the above mention bug report) that flutter is broken on the arm64 platform.

Fact #2 I have never used React Native, and with the small amount of research I have done on it, it just doesn't fit any of my use cases. It maybe a wonderful piece of software I don't know I've never used it.

Now that we have the facts out of the way.

I started using flutter to create a few desktop apps for the raspberry pi (I have 4 projects that currently fail to build). Like many others I chose flutter because of it's advertised cross-platform capabilities and it's integration with Ubuntu. But as stated above flutter has been broken on arm64 for over 4 months now so I am reevaluating my use of flutter for future projects. With the major layoffs and major cost cutting measures at Google I fear flutter will become another piece of scrap on Google's software scrap pile (I hope I am wrong, this is my opinion and nothing more).

On the plus side with all the down time from not being able to build my projects I have managed to learn Rust and I am currently researching Tauri for my Desktop UI's. From what I've read so far IPhone and Android mobile apps are coming soon.

Happy Coding Everyone

jankapunkt profile image
Jan Küster

Even if your argument may be valid, this is not the kind of language we choose on this platform.

Thread Thread
heyitsuzair profile image
Muhammad Uzair

I agree with you

kildo162 profile image

That right!

heyitsuzair profile image
Muhammad Uzair

I appreciate your thoughts. I also prefer flutter over RN but the comparison should be kept so it will not confuse those who are beginner in field.

raphaelnk profile image

Well, if you are good at React and you want to stick on it. I suggest to go for React Native. However, Flutter is a great one to build mobile app using dart. Anyway, thanks for sharing

heyitsuzair profile image
Muhammad Uzair

Appreciated. Thank you for sharing your thoughts

angeloromerop profile image
angelo romero parra

React native es muy rápido para crear aplicaciones, sobre todo con expo, además tiene muchas librerías qué hacen fácil el desarrollo de Apps

m1ch3l99 profile image

Every body is neglecting that react native has removed the bridge communication and its a big boost in terms of performance.

heyitsuzair profile image
Muhammad Uzair

That's incredible