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Daily Blog Vol.1

I just started my blog on because this site is so fast and comfortable for me. Thanks Ben Halpern. Honestly, I was thinking whether use medium or this site. but I think this site is faster than medium, so I would like to use as a my blog more than medium.
To be honest, I think medium is awesome platform, so I don't think it's bad. but I care about how fast it is, so I chose here.

before I start writing my blog, I would like to introduce by myself again.
my name is takahiro, people who are my friends call me hiro. I'm front end developer, especially I'm good at using React.js and React-Native. of course I'm using it for work. I'm working 2 company currently. First one is as a front-end developer, I'm maintaining and implementing SPA environment. Second one is I'm using React-Native. You might have already known that React.js and React-Native, either libraries are so awesome and have mature ecosystem. I'm kind of obsessed to use those libraries.
I'm so interested in javascript standards especially ECMAScript's specification.

I don't wanna long introduction, so just start it!

react-native-gifted-chat is itchy for me

react-native-gifted-chat is awesome library for making chat feature in React-Native. This library has a bunch of features itself. also, I'm using it at work though, I got some problem like below.

  • less description how to use props such as renderSystemMessage , renderCustomView ,
  • renderSystemMessage might not be able to use it itself. I've been reading code which is internal, I'm getting understanding it but I guess they need to prepare more polite document probably. However they don't have a enough time to maintain this library, so I might have to understand by myself (after that I would better write blog which is how to use it probably. ) , or make PR to them. anyway, as a userland, I felt it's not enough document or sample code.

web-components might have a problem for future.

I would like web components. I write books about what's web-components and how to resolve problems if you use web components. I'm really sorry, it's written in Japanese and it's my self-publication, so it might be inconvenient to you but if you interested in it, feel free to mention to me on twitter or send DM to me.
Anyway, I love web components. but I've been faced where I would better web components. For just static web site? or SPA environment with popular frameworks such as Vue.js, React.js or Angular? Cycle.js?
Of course I know we can use either way. but I couldn't come up with idea where I would better use web components for.
Totally, web components is still in progress which has much of meaning. Idea of Micro Frontends is so sounds good to me. it's understandable. but I wasn's even satisfied about it as a reason of using web components. I want to know bunch of ideas from developers who like to use it.

Anyway, it's done. I might change composition of this My blog structure though, I wanna make efforts to keep writing my blog in here. haha

Thank you for reading this my first blog. cheer.

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