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HM Nomaan
HM Nomaan

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How to use design patterns in JavaScript?

JavaScript is a lightweight, interpreted, object-oriented programming language with first-class functions most commonly known as a scripting language for web pages

What Are Design Patterns?
As I said before, design patterns are reusable solutions to commonly occurring problems in software design. Let’s take a look at some of the categories of design patterns.
How does one create a pattern? Let’s say you recognized a commonly occurring problem, and you have your own unique solution to this problem, which isn’t globally recognized and documented. You use this solution every time you encounter this problem, and you think that it’s reusable and that the developer community could benefit from it.
Does it immediately become a pattern? Luckily, no. Oftentimes, one may have good code writing practices and simply mistake something that looks like a pattern for one when, in fact, it is not a pattern.
How can you know when what you think you recognize is actually a design pattern?
By getting other developers’ opinions about it, by knowing about the process of creating a pattern itself, and by making yourself well acquainted with existing patterns. There is a phase a pattern has to go through before it becomes a full-fledged pattern, and this is called a proto-pattern.
A proto-pattern is a pattern-to-be if it passes a certain period of testing by various developers and scenarios where the pattern proves to be useful and gives correct results. There is quite a large amount of work and documentation—most of which is outside the scope of this article—to be done in order to make a fully-fledged pattern recognized by the community.
As a design pattern represents good practice, an anti-pattern represents bad practice.
An example of an anti-pattern would be modifying the Object class prototype. Almost all objects in JavaScript inherit from Object (remember that JavaScript uses prototype-based inheritance) so imagine a scenario where you altered this prototype. Changes to the Object prototype would be seen in all of the objects that inherit from this prototype—which would be most JavaScript objects. This is a disaster waiting to happen.
Another example, similar to one mentioned above, is modifying objects that you don’t own. An example of this would be overriding a function from an object used in many scenarios throughout the application. If you are working with a large team, imagine the confusion this would cause; you’d quickly run into naming collisions, incompatible implementations, and maintenance nightmares.
Similar to how it is useful to know about all of the good practices and solutions, it is also very important to know about the bad ones too. This way, you can recognize them and avoid making the mistake up front.
Design Pattern Categorization
Design patterns can be categorized in multiple ways, but the most popular one is the following:
Creational design patterns
Structural design patterns
Behavioral design patterns
Concurrency design patterns
Architectural design patterns
Creational Design Patterns
These patterns deal with object creation mechanisms which optimize object creation compared to a basic approach. The basic form of object creation could result in design problems or in added complexity to the design. Creational design patterns solve this problem by somehow controlling object creation. Some of the popular design patterns in this category are:
Factory method
Abstract factory
Structural Design Patterns
These patterns deal with object relationships. They ensure that if one part of a system changes, the entire system doesn’t need to change along with it. The most popular patterns in this category are:
Behavioral Design Patterns
These types of patterns recognize, implement, and improve communication between disparate objects in a system. They help ensure that disparate parts of a system have synchronized information. Popular examples of these patterns are:
Chain of responsibility
Concurrency Design Patterns
These types of design patterns deal with multi-threaded programming paradigms. Some of the popular ones are:
Active object
Nuclear reaction
Architectural Design Patterns
Design patterns which are used for architectural purposes. Some of the most famous ones are:
MVC (Model-View-Controller)
MVP (Model-View-Presenter)
MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel)
In the following section, we are going to take a closer look at some of the aforementioned design patterns with examples provided for better understanding.

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