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Hootan Hemmati
Hootan Hemmati

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The Double-Edged Sword of IEnumerable and yield return in C#

IEnumerable and yield return are powerful features in C# that enable developers to create lazy sequences and write more efficient and readable code. However, like a double-edged sword, they can cause significant performance issues and unexpected behavior if not used correctly. In this post, we'll delve into how these features work, explore common pitfalls with real-world examples—including a database scenario—and provide best practices to help you use them effectively.

Understanding IEnumerable and yield return

Before diving into the pitfalls, it's essential to understand the mechanics of IEnumerable and yield return.

  • IEnumerable<T>: An interface that allows iteration over a collection of a specified type. It supports simple iteration over a generic collection.
  • yield return: A keyword that simplifies the implementation of iterator blocks. It allows a method to return each element one at a time, without creating an intermediate collection.

These features enable lazy evaluation, meaning the values are computed and returned only when required, potentially improving performance and reducing memory usage.

The Double-Edged Sword: Potential Pitfalls

While IEnumerable and yield return offer benefits, improper use can lead to:

  • Repeated expensive computations
  • Resource management issues
  • Unexpected side effects due to deferred execution

Let's explore these pitfalls with real-world examples.

Example 1: Repeated Expensive Computations


Suppose you have a method that generates a sequence with yield return, involving heavy computations:

public IEnumerable<int> GetExpensiveSequence()
    for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
        // Simulate an expensive operation
        yield return i;
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When you use this sequence:

var sequence = GetExpensiveSequence();

var count = sequence.Count();
var sum = sequence.Sum();
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Each enumeration of sequence triggers the entire computation again. In this case, Thread.Sleep(10) simulates a costly operation, leading to significant performance degradation because the computation runs multiple times.


To avoid repeated computations, materialize the sequence into a collection like List<T>:

var sequence = GetExpensiveSequence().ToList();

var count = sequence.Count;
var sum = sequence.Sum();
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By calling ToList(), you execute the sequence once, store the results in memory, and reuse them without recomputing.

Example 2: Resource Management and Deferred Execution


Consider an IEnumerable that reads lines from a file:

public IEnumerable<string> ReadLines(string filePath)
    using (var reader = new StreamReader(filePath))
        string line;
        while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
            yield return line;
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When you enumerate ReadLines, you might encounter an ObjectDisposedException. The StreamReader is disposed when the using block exits, but enumeration happens later due to deferred execution, leaving the reader unavailable.


Ensure the resource remains available during enumeration:

public IEnumerable<string> ReadLines(string filePath)
    var reader = new StreamReader(filePath);
        string line;
        while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
            yield return line;
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Alternatively, use built-in methods that handle resource management correctly, such as File.ReadLines(filePath).

Example 3: Unintended Multiple Database Queries


When using an ORM like Entity Framework, deferred execution can cause multiple database queries:

public IEnumerable<Customer> GetActiveCustomers()
    using (var context = new MyDbContext())
        foreach (var customer in context.Customers.Where(c => c.IsActive))
            yield return customer;
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If you perform operations that enumerate GetActiveCustomers() multiple times, you execute multiple database queries. Additionally, since the DbContext is disposed after the method exits, you might encounter an ObjectDisposedException when you try to enumerate the results.


Materialize the results before exiting the using block:

public List<Customer> GetActiveCustomers()
    using (var context = new MyDbContext())
        return context.Customers
                      .Where(c => c.IsActive)
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By calling ToList(), you execute the query within the scope of the DbContext, fetch the data once, and avoid multiple queries and disposal issues.

Example 4: Changes in External State Affect Enumeration


An IEnumerable that depends on an external collection can yield inconsistent results if the collection changes:

public IEnumerable<int> GetNumbers(List<int> numbers)
    foreach (var number in numbers)
        yield return number;
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If the numbers list is modified after creating the sequence:

var numbers = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3 };
var sequence = GetNumbers(numbers);

// Modify the list

// Enumerate the sequence
foreach (var num in sequence)
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The addition of 4 affects the sequence, which might not be the intended behavior.


Capture the state at the time of sequence creation by iterating over a copy:

public IEnumerable<int> GetNumbers(List<int> numbers)
    foreach (var number in numbers.ToList())
        yield return number;
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This ensures the sequence reflects the list's state at the time of creation.

Best Practices

To avoid pitfalls when using IEnumerable and yield return:

  1. Understand Deferred Execution: Be aware that the sequence isn't executed until it's enumerated.
  2. Avoid Multiple Enumerations of Expensive Operations: Materialize sequences that involve heavy computations using ToList() or ToArray().
  3. Manage Resources Properly: Keep resources like files or database connections open during enumeration, or materialize the data before disposing of the resource.
  4. Be Cautious with External State: If the underlying data might change, consider creating a snapshot.
  5. Profile and Test: Always test your code to understand its performance characteristics and behavior.


IEnumerable and yield return can enhance your C# applications by enabling lazy evaluation and simplifying code. However, they require careful use to prevent performance issues and unintended side effects. By understanding how they work and following best practices, you can leverage these features effectively without compromising your application's performance and reliability.

Feel free to share your experiences or ask questions in the comments below!


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