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horace njoroge
horace njoroge

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Understanding and Resolving Node.js Version Conflicts with NVM on macOS

Node.js version conflicts can arise when multiple versions are installed, causing discrepancies in development environments. Here’s how to manage Node.js versions effectively using Node Version Manager (NVM):

First, if NVM is not installed, you can set it up with this command:

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curl -o- | bash
Next, check installed Node.js versions with:

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nvm ls
Switch to your desired version using:

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nvm use
To ensure that the correct version loads automatically, edit your shell's profile file (like ~/.bash_profile or ~/.zshrc) and add:

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export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/"
After making these changes, confirm the active Node.js version:

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node -v
By following these steps, you can effectively manage Node.js versions and avoid compatibility issues in your projects.

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