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Hulk Pham
Hulk Pham

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AWS Networking - VPC


Introduction to Networking

  • Networking enables global computer communication, using IP addresses (like to identify devices
  • CIDR notation (e.g., is used to represent IP address ranges

Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud)

  • VPCs are isolated networks in AWS Cloud, requiring a name, region, and IP range in CIDR notation
  • Subnets within VPCs are used for high availability and connectivity options
  • Internet gateways connect VPCs to the internet, while virtual private gateways connect to private networks

VPC Security

  • Network Access Control Lists (ACLs) act as firewalls at the subnet level
  • Security groups function as virtual firewalls for EC2 instances, controlling inbound and outbound traffic
  • Security groups are stateful, remembering connection origins and allowing responses without modifying inbound rules

I. Introduction to Networking

Networking is how you connect computers around the world and allow them to communicate with one another. In this course, you’ve already seen a few examples of networking. One is the AWS Global Infrastructure. AWS has built a network of resources using data centers, Availability Zones, and Regions.

Networking basics

One way to think about networking is to think about sending a letter. When you send a letter, you provide the following three elements:

  • The letter, inside the envelope
  • The address of the sender in the from section
  • The address of the recipient in the to section

Each address must contain specific information:

  • Name of sender or recipient
  • Street
  • City
  • State or province
  • Zip, area, or postal code
  • Country

You need all parts of an address to ensure that your letter gets to its destination. Without the correct address, postal workers cannot properly deliver the letter. In the digital world, computers handle the delivery of messages in a similar way. This is called routing.

IP addresses

To properly route your messages to a location, you need an address. Just like each home has a mailing address, each computer has an IP address. However, instead of using the combination of street, city, state, zip code, and country, the IP address uses a combination of bits, 0s and 1s.

Here is an example of a 32-bit address in binary format:

A 32-bit address written in binary format.


It’s called 32 bit because you have 32 digits. Feel free to count!

IPv4 notation

Typically, you don’t see an IP address in its binary format. Instead, it’s converted into decimal format and noted as an IPv4 address.

In the following diagram, the 32 bits are grouped into groups of 8 bits, also called octets. Each of these groups is converted into decimal format separated by a period.

An IPv4 address, for example, is converted from four groups of eight bits.

IP4 address

In the end, this is what is called an IPv4 address. This is important to know when trying to communicate to a single computer. But remember, you’re working with a network. This is where Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) comes in.

CIDR notation is a single IP address. If you want to express IP addresses between the range of and, how can you do that?

One way is to use CIDR notation. CIDR notation is a compressed way of representing a range of IP addresses. Specifying a range determines how many IP addresses are available to you.

CIDR notation is shown here.


It begins with a starting IP address and is separated by a forward slash (the / character) followed by a number. The number at the end specifies how many of the bits of the IP address are fixed. In this example, the first 24 bits of the IP address are fixed. The rest (the last 8 bits) are flexible.


32 total bits subtracted by 24 fixed bits leaves 8 flexible bits. Each of these flexible bits can be either 0 or 1, because they are binary. That means that you have two choices for each of the 8 bits, providing 256 IP addresses in that IP range.

The higher the number after the /, the smaller the number of IP addresses in your network. For example, a range of is smaller than

When working with networks in the AWS Cloud, you choose your network size by using CIDR notation. In AWS, the smallest IP range you can have is /28, which provides 16 IP addresses. The largest IP range you can have is a /16, which provides 65,536 IP addresses.

II. Amazon VPC

To maintain redundancy and fault tolerance, create at least two subnets configured in two Availability Zones.

A virtual private cloud (VPC) is an isolated network that you create in the AWS Cloud, similar to a traditional network in a data center. When you create an Amazon VPC, you must choose three main factors:

  • Name of the VPC
  • Region where the VPC will live – A VPC spans all the Availability Zones within the selected Region.
  • IP range for the VPC in CIDR notation – This determines the size of your network. Each VPC can have up to five CIDRs: one primary and four secondaries for IPv4. Each of these ranges can be between /28 (in CIDR notation) and /16 in size.

Using this information, AWS will provision a network and IP addresses for that network.


1. Creating a subnet

After you create your VPC, you must create subnets inside the network. Think of subnets as smaller networks inside your base network, or virtual local area networks (VLANs) in a traditional, on-premises network. In an on-premises network, the typical use case for subnets is to isolate or optimize network traffic. In AWS, subnets are used to provide high availability and connectivity options for your resources. Use a public subnet for resources that must be connected to the internet and a private subnet for resources that won't be connected to the internet.


When you create a subnet, you must specify the following:

  • VPC that you want your subnet to live in—in this case: VPC (
  • Availability Zone that you want your subnet to live in—in this case: Availability Zone 1
  • IPv4 CIDR block for your subnet, which must be a subset of the VPC CIDR block—in this case:

When you launch an EC2 instance, you launch it inside a subnet, which will be located inside the Availability Zone that you choose.

2. High availability with a VPC

When you create your subnets, keep high availability in mind. To maintain redundancy and fault tolerance, create at least two subnets configured in two Availability Zones.

As you learned earlier, remember that “everything fails all of the time.” With the example network, if one of the Availability Zones fails, you will still have your resources available in another Availability Zone as backup.


3. Reserved IPs

For AWS to configure your VPC appropriately, AWS reserves five IP addresses in each subnet. These IP addresses are used for routing, Domain Name System (DNS), and network management.

For example, consider a VPC with the IP range The VPC includes 1,024 total IP addresses. This is then divided into four equal-sized subnets, each with a /24 IP range with 256 IP addresses. Out of each of those IP ranges, there are only 251 IP addresses that can be used because AWS reserves five.


The five reserved IP addresses can impact how you design your network. A common starting place for those who are new to the cloud is to create a VPC with an IP range of /16 and create subnets with an IP range of /24. This provides a large amount of IP addresses to work with at both the VPC and subnet levels.

4. Gateways

Internet gatewayTo activate internet connectivity for your VPC, you must create an internet gateway. Think of the gateway as similar to a modem. Just as a modem connects your computer to the internet, the internet gateway connects your VPC to the internet. Unlike your modem at home, which sometimes goes down or offline, an internet gateway is highly available and scalable. After you create an internet gateway, you attach it to your VPC.

Image description

Virtual private gatewayA virtual private gateway connects your VPC to another private network. When you create and attach a virtual private gateway to a VPC, the gateway acts as anchor on the AWS side of the connection. On the other side of the connection, you will need to connect a customer gateway to the other private network. A customer gateway device is a physical device or software application on your side of the connection. When you have both gateways, you can then establish an encrypted virtual private network (VPN) connection between the two sides.


III. AWS Direct Connect

To establish a secure physical connection between your on-premises data center and your Amazon VPC, you can use AWS Direct Connect. With AWS Direct Connect, your internal network is linked to an AWS Direct Connect location over a standard Ethernet fiber-optic cable. This connection allows you to create virtual interfaces directly to public AWS services or to your VPC.

Direct_connect description

IV. Amazon VPC Routing

A route table contains a set of rules, called routes, that determine where network traffic from your subnet or gateway is directed.

1. Main route table

When you create a VPC, AWS creates a route table called the main route table. A route table contains a set of rules, called routes, that are used to determine where network traffic is directed. AWS assumes that when you create a new VPC with subnets, you want traffic to flow between them. Therefore, the default configuration of the main route table is to allow traffic between all subnets in the local network. The following rules apply to the main route table:

  • You cannot delete the main route table.
  • You cannot set a gateway route table as the main route table.
  • You can replace the main route table with a custom subnet route table.
  • You can add, remove, and modify routes in the main route table.
  • You can explicitly associate a subnet with the main route table, even if it's already implicitly associated.

2. Custom route tables

The main route table is used implicitly by subnets that do not have an explicit route table association. However, you might want to provide different routes on a per-subnet basis for traffic to access resources outside of the VPC. For example, your application might consist of a frontend and a database. You can create separate subnets for the resources and provide different routes for each of them.

If you associate a subnet with a custom route table, the subnet will use it instead of the main route table. Each custom route table that you create will have the local route already inside it, allowing communication to flow between all resources and subnets inside the VPC. You can protect your VPC by explicitly associating each new subnet with a custom route table and leaving the main route table in its original default state.

Image route_table

V. Amazon VPC Security

Cloud security at AWS is the highest priority. You benefit from a data center and network architecture that is built to meet the requirements of the most security-sensitive organizations.

1. Secure subnets with network access control lists

NACLs description

Think of a network access control list (network ACL) as a virtual firewall at the subnet level. A network ACL lets you control what kind of traffic is allowed to enter or leave your subnet. You can configure this by setting up rules that define what you want to filter. Here is an example of a default ACL for a VPC that supports IPv4.

2. Default network ACL

Rule # Type Protocol Port Range Source Allow or Deny
100 All IPv4 traffic All All ALLOW
* All IPv4 traffic All All DENY
Rule # Type Protocol Port Range Destination Allow or Deny
100 All IPv4 traffic All All ALLOW
* All IPv4 traffic All All DENY

The default network ACL shown in the preceding table, allows all traffic in and out of the subnet. To allow data to flow freely to the subnet, this is a good starting place.

However, you might want to restrict data at the subnet level. For example, if you have a web application, you might restrict your network to allow HTTPS traffic and Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) traffic to your web servers.

3. Custom network ACL

Rule # Source IP Protocol Port Allow or Deny Comments
100 All IPv4 traffic TCP 443 ALLOW Allows inbound HTTPS traffic from anywhere
130 TCP 3389 ALLOW Allows inbound RDP traffic to the web servers from your home network’s public IP address range (over the internet gateway)
* All IPv4 traffic All All DENY Denies all inbound traffic not already handled by a preceding rule (not modifiable)
Rule # Destination IP Protocol Port Allow or Deny Comments
120 TCP 1025-65535 ALLOW Allows outbound responses to clients on the internet (serving people visiting the web servers in the subnet)
* All All DENY Denies all outbound traffic not already handled by a preceding rule (not modifiable)

Notice that in the custom network ACL in the preceding example, you allow inbound 443 and outbound range 1025–65535. That’s because HTTPS uses port 443 to initiate a connection and will respond to an ephemeral port. Network ACLs are considered stateless, so you need to include both the inbound and outbound ports used for the protocol. If you don’t include the outbound range, your server would respond but the traffic would never leave the subnet.

Because network ACLs are configured by default to allow incoming and outgoing traffic, you don’t need to change their initial settings unless you need additional security layers.

4. Secure EC2 instances with security groups

The next layer of security is for your EC2 instances. Here, you can create a virtual firewall called a security group. The default configuration of a security group blocks all inbound traffic and allows all outbound traffic.

By default, a security group only allows outbound traffic. To allow inbound traffic, you must create inbound rules.

Ec2 description

You might be wondering, “Wouldn’t this block all EC2 instances from receiving the response of any customer requests?” Well, security groups are stateful. That means that they will remember if a connection is originally initiated by the EC2 instance or from the outside, and temporarily allow traffic to respond without modifying the inbound rules.

If you want your EC2 instance to accept traffic from the internet, you must open up inbound ports. If you have a web server, you might need to accept HTTP and HTTPS requests to allow that type of traffic into your security group. You can create an inbound rule that will allow port 80 (HTTP) and port 443 (HTTPS), as shown.

Security group inbound rules

Inbound rules
Type Protocol Port Range Source
HTTP (80) TCP (4) 80
HTTP (80) TCP (6) 80 ::/0
HTTPS (443) TCP (4) 443
HTTPS (443) TCP (6) 443 ::/0

You learned earlier that subnets can be used to segregate traffic between computers in your network. Security groups can be used in the same way. A common design pattern is to organize resources into different groups and create security groups for each to control network communication between them.

Image description

This example defines three tiers and isolates each tier with defined security group rules. In this case, internet traffic to the web tier is allowed over HTTPS. Web tier to application tier traffic is allowed over HTTP, and application tier to database tier traffic is allowed over MySQL. This is different from traditional on-premises environments, in which you isolate groups of resources with a VLAN configuration. In AWS, security groups allow you to achieve the same isolation without tying the security groups to your network.

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