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Nicodemus Friday Salifu
Nicodemus Friday Salifu

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Comparing Javascript Front-end technologies (Angular and React)


Angular and React are both javascript technologies for building complex and interactive web applications. They share several similarities but some distinct characteristics which makes them fundamentally different.
I will be comparing both technologies in this post but first, let's meet them.

Angular JS is an open source JavaScript framework that is used to build web applications. It is a TypeScript-based development platform and design framework with a component-based architecture for building scalable web apps. It has a collection of well-integrated libraries and features, such as client-server communication, routing, and more, that help speed up front-end development.

React is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building reusable UI components. Its component-based architecture and declarative views enable easy creation of interactive, complex UIs. With the 'learn once, write anywhere' principle, developers can build fast, scalable apps for all platforms.


Now Let's compare them*

  1. Popularity: Both technologies are popular, but which is more popular? On Git-hub, React has more stars compared to angular and according to Statista survey in 2022 on the most used framework worldwide, React was in second position while Angular was fifth.

  2. Performance: Since Virtual DOM trees are built on the server and are quite lightweight, React looks to exceed Angular in terms of runtime performance.

  3. Data Binding: Angular uses two-way data binding, which means the model state changes automatically whenever any interface element changes. This keeps the two layers updated with the same data. Whereas, React uses one-way data binding, which renders the modifications in the interface model only after the model state has been updated first.

  4. Server-side Rendering: Angular renders the application by creating a static view before it gets fully interactive. It is up to you the developer to cleverly use the combination of JSON and client-side caching to increase server-side performance. In React, to make your application SEO-friendly, you would need to render the application to the server. React does it with ease with the help of some specific functions.

Both technologies are great for building modern web applications with component-base architecture, choosing the best one to work with depends on the project you want to build.

PS. I am new to writing, therefore this piece may not be perfect. Thanks for reading.

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