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Top tools for junior frontend developer

Robert Matyszewski on March 22, 2019

Introduction It's hard to choose what to learn when you're starting your journey as a frontend developer. There're plenty of sources, co...
chiangs profile image
Stephen Chiang

I recommend: for recording notes,specs, product owner feedback and planning.

Postman when working with REST APIs.

I prefer Firefox devtools over Chrome, so it's a good alternative to mention.

Redux devtools for working with apps that implement redux for state management.

Hyper.js for a pleasant and productive terminal experience.

The list goes on, but these plus some of what you mentioned are what I have on everyday.

iamrobert profile image
Robert Matyszewski


iam_timsmith profile image
Tim Smith

I also find myself using and Coolors a lot.

imakashrana profile image
Akash Chauhan

With the rapid pace of change in the tech industry, it can be difficult to predict which skills will be in demand in the future ?

However, there are top 10 skills that are essential for any front-end developer.

bastionthedev profile image
Bastion Fennell

Great list!

I'd love to also add something like Charles Proxy to the list! Any tool to help you easily mock a backend API will help speed up Dev and make it easier to work towards a new API spec.

1redone profile image
Stephen Owen

IMHO the description for GitHub was pretty bad. There's a distinction between Git and GitHub and the paragraph here is just very murky in general.

iamrobert profile image
Robert Matyszewski

Thanks, will have a look on that!

iamrobert profile image
Robert Matyszewski

Updated, thanks!

pozda profile image
Ivan Pozderac

I think that this one should be mentioned. I use inline one-liner(with one path and one d="...") svgs for icons in React, so I'm handling svg optimization like a boss with svg omg

petecapecod profile image
Peter Cruckshank

I like to use Google's Squoosh App myself for image compression. Works great and you get a preview with a slider

ryancraigmartin profile image
Ryan Craig Martin

Altair is an Insomnia alternative that's fantastic as well for anyone interested!

etavener profile image

No 1 tool every front end developer requires is Node.

chiangs profile image
Stephen Chiang

I hadn't heard of it before, looks pretty interesting, thanks!

shakib609 profile image
Shakib Hossain

I use squoosh for converting and compressing images.

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao

Awesome article I love figma. Will always find way to develop stuff with it.