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Debugging JavaScript Like a Pro: Tools and Techniques for Finding and Fixing Bugs

Ayesha Sahar on February 25, 2023

Introduction JavaScript is a powerful programming language used to create interactive web pages and dynamic user interfaces. However, li...
ant_f_dev profile image
Anthony Fung

A very comprehensive list!

I'd add that sometimes conditional debugging can make things run slower, but that only starts to matter when running loops with a large number of iterations.

If that becomes a problem, sometimes it's worth just adding the condition into the code temporarily and putting an unconditional breakpoint into the code. For example, if looping through 1000 items for something called foobar, you could do

items.forEach(itm => {
  if ( === 'foobar') {
    const x = 0; // actual logic doesn't matter: this is here just so a breakpoint can be added

  // remaining logic
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iayeshasahar profile image
Ayesha Sahar

Thank you so much for sharing about this😊🙌

lukeecart profile image
Luke Cartwright

Which code editor do you recommend that is best for debugging?

iayeshasahar profile image
Ayesha Sahar

As far as I know, I don't think there is a code editor just made for "debugging". Just use whatever code editor you normally feel the most comfortable with and use various tools or techniques to debug your code.

Personally speaking, I just use VS Code and it works really well for me.

pushp1992 profile image
Pushp Singh

I would suggest to use browser developer console for debugging.
It will not only help you in debugging but will also help you to understand how javascript code works in javascript engine step by step.

Just use debugger/breakpoint in your code, which will help you to see your code working step by step.

felipefr profile image
Felipe Rodrigues


lukeecart profile image
Luke Cartwright

What do you think of VS code?

fruntend profile image

Сongratulations 🥳! Your article hit the top posts for the week -
Keep it up 👍

iayeshasahar profile image
Ayesha Sahar

Thanks for featuring my article :)

stevepenner profile image
Steve P.

I would bet that 50-75% of development time is reduced by fully coding in Typescript and never writing another ".js" file again unless you have legacy code and will do quick fix

iayeshasahar profile image
Ayesha Sahar

So many devs are adopting Typescript now and it sure is useful👀

mikec711g profile image
Michael Casile

Thank you for the great summary article. I notice your location is Pakistan and yet your english is impeccable.

iayeshasahar profile image
Ayesha Sahar

Glad that you liked it!

Well, I guess reading novels and watching tv series + movies with English subtitles does help ;)

iayeshasahar profile image
Ayesha Sahar


raowaqarsays profile image
rao waqar

Sounds good , I meet with you on twitter and happy to see you here ...

iayeshasahar profile image
Ayesha Sahar


yaireo profile image
Yair Even Or

Not a single word about source-maps

iayeshasahar profile image
Ayesha Sahar

Can't possibly fix in everything in just one article :)

There are ofcourse many more amazing methods out there as well! Btw, thanks for this addition.

airtonix profile image
Zenobius Jiricek

What are the other amazing methods?