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Kohei Yamada
Kohei Yamada

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Configure application-specific gestures with Fusuma v2!

Starting from this article, I will explain how to configure the new features available in Fusuma v2.
If you haven't updated to Fusuma v2, please refer to the previous article.

So far, Fusuma has only allowed you to set one type of action for a gesture globally.
However, by using the context of Fusuma v2, you will be able to switch Config dynamically.

In this article, we will install fusuma-plugin-appmatcher and configure application-specific settings on Fusuma's config.yml.

GitHub logo iberianpig / fusuma-plugin-appmatcher

Fusuma plugin configure app-specific gestures

Fusuma::Plugin::Appmatcher Gem Version Build Status

Fusuma plugin configure app-specific gestures

  • Switch gesture mappings by detecting active application.
  • Support X11, Ubuntu-Wayland


Run the following code in your terminal.

Install fusuma-plugin-appmatcher

$ sudo gem install fusuma-plugin-appmatcher

Install Appmatcher GNOME Shell Extensions on Wayland

Gnome Wayland version 41 and later does not allow to access information about window or application like focused app So fusuma-plugin-appmatcher solves this problem via Appmatcher gnome-extension.

$ fusuma-appmatcher --install-gnome-extension

Restart your session(logout/login), then activate Appmatcher on gnome-extensions-app

List Running Application names

$ fusuma-appmatcher -l prints Running Application names.

$ fusuma-appmatcher -l

You can use these applicatin name to under application: context in config.yml

Add appmatcher properties and application names to config.yml

  1. Add the --- symbol to separate the context in config.yml.

  2. Add context: property in ~/.config/fusuma/config.yml.

  3. Under the context: property, you can set the application: APP_NAME as a value.

  • In this context, you can configure mappings to…

Install fusuma-plugin-appmatcher

Run the following command in a terminal

$ sudo gem install fusuma-plugin-appmatcher
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

How to configure fusuma-plugin-appmather

Get the application name to use in the configuration.

To get application name (WM_CLASS) to specify in config.yml, use $ fusuma-appmatcher -l.
Without -l option, only foreground application names are retrieved.

$ fusuma-appmatcher -l
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Set context: WM_CLASS in config.yml.

To add to the existing config.yml.

  1. add --- to the bottom of ~/.config/fusuma/config.yml to separate context.
  2. add context: { application: Google-chrome }.
  3. add swipe: ... ... and describe the gestures as usual.

In the following example, 4-finger gesture is the default setting, and 3-finger swipe gesture is assigned with different behaviors for Google Chrome and Gnome Terminal.

This example uses fusuma-plugin-wmctrl , fusuma-plugin-sendkey and fusuma-plugin-keypress .

When I try swiping up three fingers on Google Chrome and Gnome Terminal respectively, both tabs open.
I was able to assign different keys to them: LEFTCTRL+T for Google Chrome and LEFTSHIFT+LEFTCTRL+T for Gnome Terminal.

Concept of Context in Fusuma v2

Actually, Fusuma runs as an event-driven application.

When a user touches the trackpad, some touch events will be sent to Fusuma. Fusuma will calculate the events and if they exceed the threshold, it will pass them to the executor plugin as swipe events and execute the action associated with the event content from config.yml.

Fusuma will search the config.yml for actions that match the event, but when a context event is issued, Fusuma will search the config for actions that match that context.

  • Fusuma v2 can accept YAML documents containing ---.
  • You can create a context by separating the config.yml with three --- hyphens.
  • The first document delimited by --- is treated as the default configuration.
  • By the way, --- is a standard YAML syntax that allows multiple documents to be described in one file.

Under context: is the event-name of the context and its value.

  event-name: value

      sendkey: 'LEFTALT+RIGHT'
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Currently, context events can only be fired by the fusuma-plugin-appmatcher plugin.

In the future, we plan to support context events from tail or external commands by generalizing the events.
For example, a user can define a config that is valid only when a specific device is connected.

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