If you want to get the video information of a specific channel or the playlist list, I think you will use YouTube API v3.
With PHP, it's good to use the official Google library with Composer, but for certain videos you can get the video information more easily.
Specifically, the JSON that stores the video information is called from the API.
that's all!
JSON request parameter structure
[TIPS]The video ID is the character string following "watch? V = ~" in the URL.
Enter the API key obtained from Google API in [API Key].
Sample code
Try to get the title of a specific video from YouTube API v3.
$api_key = "API Key"
$video_id = "Video ID"
$url = "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?id=" . $video_id . "&key=" . $api_key . "&part=snippet,contentDetails,statistics,status";
$json = file_get_contents($url);
$getData = json_decode( $json , true);
foreach((array)$getData['items'] as $key => $gDat){
$title = $gDat['snippet']['title'];
// Output title
echo $title;
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